Nothings Fine I'm Torn (One Direction Romance)

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Chapter 1

~~~Molly's POV~~~

 I have no idea how I am supposed to just leave him.  He is my best friend and hopefully soon to be boyfriend.  I really like him.  I think I started to develop feelings for him when he left for the X-Factor.  I missed him so much and all I wanted to do was be with him.  I hope Niall didn't forget about me.  He was supposed to be coming home today.  I have no idea if he was bringing his band, but all i cared about was him coming home.  I just wanted to give him a big bear hug.  I was so excited that he was coming home. 

My cousin Jamie came over and we started setting up for his welcome home party.  Niall, Jamie, and I are the three best friends that anyone could have!  We do everything together.  So Jamie and I are very happy that he is coming home.  We started putting out chips, and dip.  Jamie hung up a huge banner that said "WELCOME HOME NIALL!"  I started putting up streamers that hung from the ceiling.  We had everything done in under an hour and we were the two happiest girls in the whole entire world.  We heard a car door slam and we ran to the window.  HE WAS HOME. 

We let him go into his own home first to see that his parents weren't home.  They were with my parents who were with Jamie and I.  I saw him looking all sad at the front door, because no one was home.  He started to walk over to my house.  I left the door wide open so he could just walk inside.  We all hid and he came in and said, "Hellllo??? Anyone here...Molly?"  We jumped up and screamed surprise.  He was so happy.  He saw his parents and me and Jamie.  His face lit up with smiles.  

We were all talking and he was telling us how Simon Cowell wanted him and his band to become big.  So he had to leave in a week.  He saw that I got really upset.  I started to tear up. 

"What's wrong?" He asked me. Wiping the tear off my face with his thumb.  

"It's just that.." I stopped myself.  "Nothing. I'm fine. It's nothing."  I continued.

"Molly I've known you almost all my life. Somethings wrong."  He said looking me straight in the eye.  Jamie was sitting there confused.  I hadn't told her about my feelings for Niall.  

I pulled Niall into the other room.  We sat on my bed and I cried my eyes out.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!" He yelled as I continued to cry.  

"Your leaving me again." I mumbled.  

"Oh.." He said.

"Your my best friend and I can't lose you to some band.  Ever since you left I have been crying myself to sleep almost every night.  I miss you and a week is not enough to be together." I cried into his chest. 

"I understand and thats why I was going to ask you to come with me.  Wherever this band takes me, I want you there."  He said.

I looked at him and gave him a huge hug.  He always knew what I wanted. "Thank you." I smiled. 

~~~Niall's POV~~~

I couldn't stand seeing her this sad.  She looked so heartbroken.  I knew she didn't want to lose me and I didn't want to lose her.  She was the perfect best friend.  She was almost good enough to be my girlfriend. But I don't think she likes me like that so why should I even try.  There's no use in trying.  What she doesn't know is that I missed her so much while I was away on the X-Factor.  The guys just don't compare to her.  I wonder if she would like the guys.  Should I ask her if she wants to meet them?  Will she think I'm trying to replace her?  All these thoughts went through my mind while she took me back into the other room.  

"Hey Molly?" I said quiet. 

"Yes?" She questioned me. 

"Would you wanna meet the guys tonight?" I asked her.  

"Of course,  I'll meet any of your friends.  It's no problem. "  She told me.  

So I called the boys and they were over in no time.  We all went over to my house and I introduced everyone to Molly and Jamie.  The girls seemed to like the guys.  It wasn't like they were major jerks or anything.  

"So is this your girlfriend?" Louis asked looking at Molly.  

"He wishes. She's was too pretty for our little Nialler."  Harry blurted out.  I saw Molly blushing and she kind of just shook off those comments and laughed. 

"You guys leave Molly alone." I said protecting my little Molly. That was my nickname for her since I was a few months older then her.  She used to love being called that when we were little. "You okay my little Molly?" He went on.

"I havn't heard you say that in the longest time."  She said looking at me with a smile.  "It kind of brings back good memories." She said. 

We all talked for a while and then I made some Hamburgers and Hot dogs and we all ate dinner.  I remember when we were littler Molly used to like double cheese on her cheeseburger so that's just what I did.  

"You remembered!" She said so happily. 

"Of course I remembered!" I told her hugging her.  

"Are you bringing her on tour with us?" Zayn asked. 

"Wha---" she said as I interupeted her. "Who wants another burger." I tried to change the subject.  

"Niall James Horan! What are you hiding from me?" Molly yelled.  She looked angry that I didn't tell her about tour.  

I pulled her aside and told her that I was going to ask her to come on tour with me later, around the campfire.  I wanted to ask her when the time was right, but Zayn had to ruin it.  When I told her she laughed and kissed me on the cheek.  She seemed like the happiest girl in the world.  And I was glad, because if everything goes right, I am going to ask her out before tour.  I know she will be happy. I am just a little nervous that she doesn't like me the same way.  Then it will be extremely awkward for the both of us.  

"I'm so glad you came home today." She wispered in my ear.  

"Me too." I told her. She kissed me on the cheek again.  She really did miss me.  

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