Nothing Could be Worse.

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Chapter 5

~~~Niall's POV~~~

We were leaving to go to California to do our next show.  We were going to stop in Ohio to get some food and good rest at a hotel.  I was happy that Molly was here with me, she always lightens my mood.  I was going to take her to this amusement park once we got to Ohio.  It was called Cedar Point.  It was a boardwalk type amusement park.  I could tell that she didn't want to be on the bus anymore.  She was getting home sick.  I felt bad, because we weren't going to be home for another two months.  

She went into the kitchen to make herself ice cream.  I hope she's not too home sick. 

~~~Molly's POV~~~

I am getting a little home sick.  I haven't been away from my mom for this long in forever.  I miss her.  I call her every night though.  No matter what I'm doing I pick up the phone and call her.  I wonder how my dog is.  Sparky has been sick lately with diabetes, two cataracts, and he has been having seizures.  Every time I talk to my mom I always ask how sparky is doing.  My mom always says the same thing: he is holding up just fine.  Like what is that supposed to mean.  Is he on his death bed.  I have no idea.  I just hope he gets better soon.  

I walked away from Niall.  I told him I was going to make myself an ice cream sundae, which I did make, but that was not the reason I went into the kitchen at the front of the bus.  I missed my mom.  I sat in the kitchen and cried.  I didn't want Niall to know how much I missed her.  He might not be the same if he knows I'm hurt.  I got up to make my ice cream sundae.  I put two scoops of cake batter ice cream in a bowl, drizzled hot fudge over the top, and finished it off with a cherry.  I grabbed a spoon and sat in the kitchen eating it.  I was still crying.  I decided to call my mom.  I dialed it and heard it ringing.  

"Hello, Molly?" She answered the phone. "Are you okay?" She could obviously hear me crying.  

"No mom, I'm not okay.  I miss you." I cried into the phone.

"I miss you too honey. Does Niall know this?" She asked me all concerned.  I could barly speak, I was crying so much.

"No, I don't have the heart to tell him,  I'm afraid." I told her.  

I felt the bus shake and suddenly we were swerving to the right lane.  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  We crashed and I fell to the floor.  I hit my head on something sharp and started bleeding.  I got so dizzy. 

"MOLLY?!?!?! WHAT HAPPENED MOLLY??" My mom screamed into the phone.  I heard Niall run in from the back.  Then everything went black.  

~~~Niall's POV~~~

Me and the lads were hanging out in the back room where the television was.  Molly had gotten up to get herself ice cream.  Then we crashed.  Everyone in the back was okay, but then I heard Molly scream.  I immediately ran to the front of the bus.  She was on the floor.  Her phone had dropped to the ground, and I could see that she was on the phone with her mum.  She was still on the other line so I picked up the phone sitting down next to Molly.  

"Mrs. Hamilton?" I said crying into the phone.  

"Niall, honey is she okay what happened??" Her mother said.  She sounded very concerned.

"The bus crashed.  I was in the back with all the lads and Molly was out in the kitchen making herself an ice cream sundae.  I have no idea what happened to her head.  It seems to be bleeding." I stopped for a second. "Zayn call 911!" I screamed to the back of the bus.  "It's going to be okay Mrs. Hamilton.  She will be just fine." I reassured her.

"Thank you Niall.  I trust you with my Molly.  Call me later and let me know what is going on okay?" She said to me.

"Okay, I will." I said hanging up the phone.  I gathered Molly in my arms, and she has either fainted or passes out.  The ambulance arrived shortly and we got her to the nearest hospital.  I rode with her and the lads followed behind us in the bus.  Once we got to the hospital they took her in right away.  Liam walked up to me as we waited in the waiting room.  

"You alright buddy?" He asked me.  He looked like he had been crying.  Poor lad.  

"Yeah I'm alright. How's Jamie?" I asked him looking over at her.  

"She is a total wreck.  She doesn't know what to do with herself.  I feel so bad for her.  She won't stop crying.  And Louis is a wreck, because she is a wreck."  He told me in utter shock.  

I really hope she is okay.  My mind was going in all different places.  That's when the doctor came out into the waiting room and told us that she wasn't awake yet, but only two people could go in and wait for her to wake up.  

So I got up, being the boyfriend I knew one of them would have to be me, and I took Jamie by the hand and gave her a hug. We both walked in and waited for Molly to wake up.  We sat there for about a half hour before she finally woke up.  Those bright blue eyes were the first think I laid my eyes on.  I was so glad she was okay.  

"Who are you?" She asked Jamie and I as we went to go give her hugs.

"I'm Niall. You don't remember me?" I asked her.  The doctor came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Niall has amnesia and she doesn't remember anything right now.  She might regain some of her memory in time, but you have to be patient."  He told me.  

I buried my face in my hands and cried.  I had to sit down, because I was so overwhelmed.  Jamie ran out of the hospital room crying and screaming.  She took it really hard.  Louis walked in with Jamie on his side.  He had her wrapped in his arms.  She was crying into his chest.  His face was not like the Louis I knew.  He looked sad.  

Then Harry walked in.  You could tell he was crying.  He asked me,"You okay?" And put his arm around me, giving me that brotherly hug.  We looked over to see that Molly had fallen asleep again.

"To be honest guys, no I'm not okay.  My girlfriend doesn't remember me.  How could I be okay." I said running out of the hospital room.  All I wanted was to be alone.

I ran down to the hospital caffeteria and sat there alone crying.  What was I supposed to do? Will she remember me? 

Again I buried my face in my hands and cried. I sat there thinking.  

Nothing could possibly be worse, right?

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