Things Change and Stay The Same

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"Okay so I sent the boys to the bar and Maria went out to get the supplies." Jessica said as she walked into the living room.

The girls had all put on their PJ's and were sitting on the floor waiting for Maria to return.

Amy was smiling when she saw Elizabeth having fun for what she realized was the first time in a long time. She was so happy to finally get to spend time with her girlfriends. This was exactly what she needed.

What Amy needed, however, was Jason. She missed him so much. Sure she hated what he did to her but she couldn't deny how much she wished he would at least call her. When her cell rang, Amy thought maybe she was going psychic. Looking at her caller-id she realized she wasn't.

"Hi, Smith." Amy said smiling.

Hearing Amy say Smith's name, Liz and Hope smiled. They liked the idea of Amy and Smith together much more than Jason. It wasn't that they didn't like Jason but he hurt her so much. They didn't want her to get hurt again.

"Can you get away tonight for a little while?" Smith asked almost whispering.

"Not tonight. Girl's night." Amy said.

"Can we meet up in the morning?" He asked.

"Wow, you're persistant." Amy joked.

"GO!" Hope and Elizabeth said laughing.

"Okay. In the morning. Coffee."

Smith smiled.

"See you than." He said.


Amy smiled.


"So nothing is going on between you two?" Hope asked smiling.

Amy laughed as she put her phone away.

"We are friends. That's it." She said.

"Whatever you say." Hope and Liz said smiling.

Amy hit Hope and Liz with a pillow from the couch as Shanna walked in from her room.

"Hey! No abuse." Shanna said smiling.

"How are you, Shanna?" Amy asked. "Let's talk about your life instead of mine please."

Shanna smiled.

"I'm great. Lizzie is fine. Amy is finally smiling and Hope is getting over that jack-ass of a friend of mine."

Amy and Hope looked at each other.

"What about you and Kevin?" They asked.

"What about him?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Shan-Shan. I see the way you guys are with each other. It's obvious things are moving along BEAUTIFULLY for the two of you." Hope said.

Shanna had to admit she was happy. Granted it may have taken her almost 2 years to be happy but she was happy and Kevin and her were great. They were having fun and being together made her happy enough.

She was still concerned about the underlying issue of what ended their friendship/relationship in high school; his friendship with Tyler Kylans.

Tyler was the one guy that was actually friends with Shanna in high school. He never made fun of her or hurt her in any way. Well until he sexually asaulted her in the school hallway. After Shanna told Kevin this in high school he broke things off with her before they had the chance to start.

April 2012

"Hello beautiful." Kevin said walking up to Shanna's locker right before last period English.

"Hello slightly attractive boy." She replied closing her locker.

They had been flirting and talking and even contenplating a relationship. Shanna was finally happy.

"So anything new?" He asked trying to make conversation.

Shanna dreaded the thought of him asking her that. She didn't want to have to tell him what had happened the day before with her and Tyler.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about Tyler." She said looking down at her feet.

"Okay." He replied oblivious. "What happened?"

Shanna took a deep breath and waited for the words to somehow come to her mind.

"Tyler tried to kiss me." She said in one breath.

He looked around making sure no one heard her.

"What?! That can't be true." Kevin said pulling Shanna into the corner.

"It is. I wouldn't lie to you, Kevin. You have to believe me." She begged.

He wanted to believe her but Tyler was his best friend.

"Well I can't." He said.

"So what does this mean for us?" She asked trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"What us? I don't go out with girls that come on to my friends. Goodbye, Shanna." He said as he walked away.

That was the last time they talked until almost 5 years later.


Shanna smiled and looked at Hope.

"I'm happy. Really happy. So what is the plan for tonight?" She asked hoping to change the subject from her and Kevin to someone else.

"Well Maria is looking for the best chick flicks and we're gonna eat and drink and paint each others nails." Hope said excited.

"Sounds like a plan. So who's first for the make-over?" Bambi asked carrying in the bag of cosmetics.

"ME!" Amy yelled smiling.

Elizabeth walked out to the balcony and watched as the snow came down. She smiled and looked in at the group of people she has called her best friends since she was 15.

She couldn't believe how much they had changed and yet they were exactly the same. The same girls they were when she walked into her classroom when she was a freshmen.

Things change and some things still stay the same and Liz thanked God that these friendships were one of those things that didn't change.

They were all still best friends.

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