I Love You

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"Please call me back, Amy. I need to talk to you. We need to talk about us." 

Being greeted in the early morning sunlight to a voice mail from a person you wish wasn't in your present life wasn't the best way to start the day. For Amy, it was the only way she could start her day.

"Good morning, Amy!" A chourus of female voices sang as she walked out of her bedroom. 

"Well hello, friends. I take it no one drove home last night." 

Lily and Baylee smiled and handed pointed to the brewing coffeepot.

"Better safe than sorry." Hope added sitting on the couch crossing her legs. 

Amy realized that was true. Considering the amount of achohol Jessica, Baylee, and Lily had running home was not the best idea and since Elizabeth had gotten her to do a round of jello shots; Amy knew last night was one for the record books.

"Has anyone tried to wake up the twins?" Jessica asked turning on the stove to prepare breakfast.

Hope and Lily looked at each other and shook their heads. At that point Shanna walked out of her room.

"Hello, ladies!" She said smiling.

"Okay! One down one to go." Amy said.

"Who's gonna wake her up?" Hope asked.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do. After the shock she endured the night before this could be an interesting morning.

"How many jello shots did she have?" Amy asked as Shanna shook her sister.

"Jessica had 2. Bambi had 3. I think she had the rest." Shanna replied trying to remember.

"TEN! She had TEN!?" Amy yelled. She couldn't believe it. Sure Liz was always known to drink at parties but she had her limits. 

"After she talked to Rick she practically drank herself into oblivion." Shanna recalled.

Amy shook her head and tried to lift Elizabeth up. 

"How much does this bum weigh?" Amy asked exhausted.

Looking over her shoulder, Shanna saw Hope run into the room carrying a cup of water.

"Here. This is all you had in the kitchen." Hope explained handing Amy the cup.

Shanna and Amy looked at each other before pouring the water on Liz.

"What the hell!?" She yelled as she sat up quickly.

"Sorry, Lizzie." Hope said smiling. She didn't want to laugh but the sight of an obviously hung over Liz was amusing.

"Good Morning, bum." Amy said smiling.

"What happened last night?" Liz asked confused.

Jessica, Amy, Hope and Shanna dreaded telling Liz about the events that sent her reeling into any form of alcohol but she needed to know.

"Umm...." Shanna started not being able to say the words.

"Coffee! Let's get you some coffee!" Hope said smiling running into the kitchen.

"Is it that bad?" Liz asked realizing Hope was doing a good job at avoiding her question.

Amy and Shanna looked at each other and decided that this was allot like pulling off a band aid. You just have to do it quickly.

"You really don't remember?" Amy asked hoping she at least knew that Rick came to see her.

Grasping for some recollection of the previous night, Elizabeth closed her eyes and thought back.

"I'm getting married, Lizzie."

"He's marrying Katie." Liz said admitting that she remembered.

Amy and Shanna looked at each other and sat on the bed on oppiste sides of Elizabeth.

"Are you going to be okay?" Shanna asked concerned.

"I'll survive. I have you guys. That's all I need." 

Amy and Shanna hugged Elizabeth and she knew in that moment she'd get through it

"AMY! AMY, Let me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

After everyone had left the apartment for their everyday activities, Amy and Shanna stayed home to clean up the mess from the night before. The sound of Jason's voice in the hallway jerked Amy up from her cleaning duties.

"Do you want me to get that?" Shanna asked concerned.

Smiling Amy shook her head. She had to face him alone.

Shanna sighed and walked to her room to get ready for her date with Kevin. 

"I'll be okay." Hearing the words she hoped she was right.

Taking a deep breath Amy opened the purple door and stood face to face with Jason.

While Amy faced her demons, Elizabeth was helping Bambi face hers.

"I don't know about this." Bambi said regretting her outfit choice for the day. 

Elizabeth had practically forced her into a pair of "guy getting jeans" and a red low cut tank. In Elizabeth's words it would make Marc see what he was giving up and hopefully help her move on. 

Bambi wasn't so sure. 

"Look, I'll be here the whole time. Just go talk to him. You need to fix whatever is wrong between the two of you." 

"You're a terrible friend you know what right?" Bambi was inching toward the car.

"No. I'm doing to you what we should have done in high school. GO!"

Wishing she was back in her bedroom Bambi walked to Marc's door and knocked.

Elizabeth decided to head back to the apartment after she saw Marc let Bambi in.

"Thank you." Shanna said taking Kevin's hand as they crossed the street to the coffee shop.

"For what?" He asked confused. 

"For being the best most beautiful boyfriend on the planet." 

Smiling he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

"No need to thank me. You make it easy to be good to you. I love you."

Smiling and truley believing him this time Shanna looked up at him.

"I love you too."

"What are you doing!?!" 

Looking up from his kitchen table Nick smiled. He was shirtless and dripping wet with only a towel around his waist.

"I just got a shower. All my clothes are at the dry cleaners."

"And?!" Hope asked angry.

"Well I needed something to wear and I called my brother and he's bringing me some clothes. I have a towel on." 

Hope was not in the mood at all. She needed to be alone and seeing this man undressed was not helping.

"Look I'll be in my room. You dress yourself." and with that the door was slammed.

"What do you want, Jason?! I thought I made myself clear last night. We're done!"

"We need to talk about everything. I care about you." 

"It's too late, Jason. Please leave."

He shook his head.

"Not until we talk."

She needed an escape and as Rick walked into the apartment looking for Elizabeth, Amy didn't even think as she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

BAD TIMING as Elizabeth walked in and saw what no girl should see her best friend doing.

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