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Ready for bed after a long day, Michael turned off all the lights and lay on his bed. He checks his Snapchat stories one more time before going to sleep. He watched his friends who are at a party he didn't feel like going to. He sees his sister collecting strawberries earlier in the day. There's a couple of pictures of his friends just drinking or playing games, and quite a few people posting memes online.

He sees a picture from his friend Alexa. Alexa was spending time with Michael's ex, Gabriella. It wasn't shocking since they were friends before he and Gabriella starting dating. But still, her face brought up quite a few emotions. A mixture of untraceable emotions and thoughts. None of them felt concrete, but they were there. A feeling like staring at a signalless television. The feeling of white noise. Nonetheless, he decided his emotions were a problem for another day. He turned his phone down, connected it to its charger and closed his eyes. He focused on thinking of sleeping. It helped him sleep faster when he tries forcing himself into it. Then again, it could have been just his own superstition. Whatever it was, it helped.

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