12:00 a.m.

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In the process of falling asleep, he was in the moment when you can feel yourself drifting, but still acknowledge his consciousness. A floating state he was used to. His process of sleeping was just another routine for him. He could hear the humming of his fan far away in the realm of reality as he drifted into whatever world his dreams had in store for him tonight. He has dreamt of elaborate medieval worlds, and small blue ones. In his dreams he knew stories of love, betrayal, sorcery, futuristic technology, and others. They were nothing normal, but it felt more real than most of his life most of the time.

Close to falling fully asleep, he thought he heard his a musical tone going on. He focused on it, assuming it was the gate of his dream. It kept getting louder and louder until he realized it wasn't part of his dream, but real life. He pulled himself, the music getting louder and louder. He realized it was his door bell. Who's here so late? Thought Michael. He brought himself back to being fully awake and got up to the door.

He walked through his barely lit apartment, skeptical. Late night visitors weren't extremely common. "Its probably one of the guys, super drunk, trying to crash" he said to himself. While a couple of parties were going on that Friday night, Katie had one going on, and she didn't live too far away from Michael. It made sense if they were too drunk to drive they'd walk to Michaels. It wasn't common, but it had happened enough times for it to be okay. He looked through his keyhole, and whispered "shit."

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