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Michael opened his eyes to the sound of knocking at the door.
His eyes blinded by water. He blinked repeatedly trying to refocus his eyes in both the darkness of night, and the cold of his tears. The door still knocked. He got up, relieved it was only a dream. He quickly associated his dream with his late night snapchatting.
He walked through the barely lit living room, expecting to see anyone else but her. Well, that's what he tried convincing himself of. He would not hace hessitated to tell hee everything his dreams spoke. He would have taken her silent smile and framed it forever. Any part of her and her forgiving love would have been perfect, ideal, in this moment.

He opened the door, expecting to ve surprised. He was indeed surprised. Not the type he expexted or wanted. No. This. Anything would have been better than this.

"g'night sir. I'm sorry for the disturbance at this hour" said the officer he had opened the door for "but there's been a case. A suicide. And I've been sent to personally contact you. I was told you were in a romantic relationship with the victim."

No words, no dream, no smile could properly fill the frozen stopwatch that echoed in these seconds.

"There was a note found" the officer spoke. It pierced the veil of ice cold soaking cloth that filled the air. It did not tear it, but his words pierced through as they could.

He was handed the note.

"They say after you die your brain has seven minutes of activity left. They say your life replays in those seven minutes. I don't know if spirits have those seven minutes too. No one has ecer mentioned them, but i hope my spirit can have those seven minutes to let you know I forgave you."

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