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It was an uneasy feeling that refused to leave.

"I'm sorry okay?!" Continued Michael's rant.
"I get it. I messed up. Two years. I promised, and talked, and then ruined it. I know. Just scream, shout, talk, whisper. Say something. Anything.
"I know! Okay? I kissed your best friend. Okay! Is that what you want to hear from me? It was stupid, childish, and I'm sorry!"
She rose her face, and looked at him. Her eyes two pure crystals, and her mouth another silent smile.
"Dammit Gab. Stop that! I don't get it! Do you want to get back together or something? Do you want to just make me feel like shit? Do you want ti rub it all in? Two months. Two. Months. I had to think of you every day. Every second of every day. And I didn't hear from you. I was afraid of going out because I couldn't stand the idea of accidentally seeing you and looking you in the eye. I hate going out because I have no idea what I'm supposed to say to you. I can't blame you for any of this. It was all my fault. There was no real reason to go behind your back. No real reason to want anything else.
"Do you have any idea how much it hurts laying in bed knowing you're not going to be there when I wake up?
Of course you do! You're going through the same thing. Only you're always strong and literally the most beautiful thing in every single room. And I'm nothing but a mess. Is that how you want me? I'm a mess. I'm a horrible, disgusting, unmotivated mess without you.
"I've replayed it all over and over in my head. So many things I could have done different. Obviously number one on the list is NOT cheat. Yeah. I'm at least not that stupid. I honestly hate myself. I can't imagine how you felt. You just left. Turned around and left and left no trace of yourself on your way out. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GABRIELLA SAY SOMETHING!"

In her inexplicable serene silence, she stood up. Not a word spoken. She walked towards Michael, held his face in her hand and smiled.

Broken down like old chains finally broken and falling at incredible heavy speed, he broke down too. His tears and sounds of apologies watered her hands. He could not stop. Only sounds of sorrow and tears streaming accompanied by her filling muted smile.

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