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Michael had serves tea. He knew she liked it, even though he preffered coffee. He always kept some since they started dating, and now there was tea to spare. No real use for it now, though.
He glanced at Gabriella, who sat in silence. Her tea untouched. No real brighter red flag than that.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You're oddly quiet. I mean, if you're drunk I get it. But, you look good. I mean like you look fine. Sober. Not that you don't look good. Its just. You know. You know what I mean."

She sat in silence still.

"I'm not sure what you want from me," he continued "I don't have much else to say. I'm pretty sure Alexa has some type of spare bed or something. I don't see why you wanted to come here. Are you angry? Well, I mean, I know you're angry, but is that why you're here? You can yell at me then. Its fine. Go ahead."

Still, she sat in silence, looking at the ground. Her smile now a small frown. She wouldn't meet his gaze, even though his eyes were unmoving from her.

"I don't have time for games, okay?" Michael kept on.
"Its late, I'm tired, you're just sitting there with clearly no intention of speaking, so what's up Gab? Huh? Just want me to eat myself up? Want to make me feel bad? I get it. You're pretty damn beautiful right now, and you're fine without me. Its cool. Just. Just finish this game and let me sleep."

Silence grew thicker. Seconds of silence thick as blood as loud as church bells. Pure silence was worse than any aggressive move she could ever make. It was a silence of uncertainty, and solid air. The room and air felt like cinder blocks in a cold morning.

Still, she did not speak.

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