35. operator

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lilo stuffed her hands in her pocket, white puffs escaping her lips and she shivered. they were all waiting for ryan as iris cuddled with kenny. they kept each other and lilo secretly sighed, rubbing her hands to make them warmer.

"ry-man!" kenny yelled, leaving iris to cuddle herself. he went in for a bro handshake and turned around at the two girls. "this is lilo, she's into blondes," he whispered the last part, smirking at lilo. she sucked in her lips as her eyebrows furrowed, worryingly.

"hey, button nose!" he greeted, only making lilo nod. "my names lilo, not button nose." under the tense situation, iris noticed lilo was uncomfortable. they all walked in, getting their tickets and now they talked over what kind of snacks they wanted.

"oh, it's okay kendall. lilo and i can share, we always do. anyways, we're gonna sit next to each other." iris said, a giant grin as she got out her wallet. lilo did the same, getting her wallet which was cute since when you put both together, it creates a heart. kenny licked his lips, "sorry babe, it's just that when i got the tickets, the only seats available were two separate doubles. lilo and ryan are sitting three seats away from us." he said, causing lilo and iris to frown at each other.

lilo nodded assuringly to iris, letting her know it was okay. kenny took her hand, asking her upfront what she wanted, leaving lilo and ryan in line.

"...and you?" ryan asked, snapping lilo out of her daze. she slightly looked up and shook her head. "oh, come on-"


he scoffed, breaking his hundred in front of lilo, trying hard to impress her. by the time they were done, it seemed the other two already went inside and got their seats. so lazily, lilo and ryan went to their own. an hour into the movie, lilo would often look over to seen kenny and her. seeing she was having a nice time, she smiled and shrugged down in her seat. sighing from drinking so much soda, lilo got out her seat and hunched over to ryan. "three minutes," she said, giving him the time she would take in the restroom.

she walked out, finding the woman's restroom. she went to go do her business, leaving the stall spotless. after washing her hands and shaking them off, she gasped looking at ryan in the reflection. he cupped her cheeks, pulling her in for a make out sesh. she squealed as he didn't let go. she tapped out, feeling scared and panicked. he was too caught up smothering her face and didn't notice until he felt a tear drop on his face.

confused, he backed up, staring at the sobbing girl. she closed her eyes, small wrinkles forming in the corner of her eyes and she whimpered. "i don't want to, i don't-"

"what the fuck, kenny told me you wanted something tonight." she stopped whimpering and wiped under her eye. she sniffles, backing up from him. "what kind of girl doesn't want to mess around on a date, you're pretty fucking weird. bye-"

"are you going to tell kenny?" she softly asked, scratching her hands. hearing no response, she knew it was over and this would be the last straw before iris knew. he left the restroom, leaving lilo staring at the floor. she breathed heavily, getting more worried. she felt her breath hitch and she quickly walked out, leaving the hall. she tucked her hands under her elbows and kept walking, eyes fogging up. she sniffed, stopping to clear her face.

"don't cry."

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