Chapter 53: The Frustratingly Overpowered Opponent

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(Yo yo yo, guess who's back?!?! Sorry I haven't uploaded lately. I've been under a lot of stress and I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues these past few weeks. I put a lot of time and effort into this new chapter though, and I really hope that you all enjoy it!)

((also i may or may not have been inspired by color splash for the chapter title))

"We're here!~" Letting out an annoyed sigh, I slowly sit up and groan, exhaustion fogging my mind. Rubbing the crust from my eyes, I notice that my blouse had gone missing and huff, figuring Iggy might've done something with it. Looking around, I yawn before noticing that Sandy was still asleep next to me. Gently shaking him, I watch as he rolls over, hiding under the blankets. I can't help but smile at his behavior, and I shake my head before reaching over and attempting to tickle his side. He immediately shoots up with a slight shriek, a deep red blush on his mask as he quickly looks around. Turning his attention to me, he huffs before hiding part of his face with the blanket.

"D-don't do that....I'm really ticklish..." Giggling slightly, I nod before kissing the top of his head.

"Alright, I won't. Sorry." He nods, the blush still somehow present, before stretching. "Iggy said we've arrived....somewhere. We should head up to the deck before he comes in and causes trouble." Nodding, the Shy Guy clambers out of bed and heads over to the door before opening it. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, stand up, and follow him out of the room and up to the main deck. Before we reach it, Sandy motions for me to stop, which I do.

" know how your shirt was torn, right?..." I nod, confused at his sudden question. "...well, a few hours ago, while you were still asleep, I got up and fixed it." Reaching into a small crate, he pulls out the white blouse, which now had golden buttons replacing the ones that had been ripped off and lost. Kneeling down, I quickly hug him and murmur a soft thanks before gently taking the shirt from him. Letting the blanket fall to the floor, I tug the shirt on and button it up, the cool golden metal sliding into the holes perfectly. I beam happily at the amazing handiwork Sandy had done before standing up. "...Is it alright?"

"It's perfect, Sandy! Thank you so much. Let's get upstairs now, yeah?" He quickly nods and we head upstairs, only to see a giant castle surrounded by equally huge trees. ", this is the castle, huh?"

"'s like a labyrinth inside."

"Oh, really?..." He nods, sighing softly. "I don't like it makes it WAY too hard to get around easily."

"I see....well, as long as we stay in one room the whole time, we won't have to worry about getting lost, right?" He nods again before gripping my hand with his own nubby one.

"Let's go in. I know a spare room we can hang out in until the Mario brothers get here."


A loud siren startles me and Sandy from our half-asleep stupor, causing us both to sit up and be fully alert.

"Looks like they're here...stay with me, okay?" Sandy nods as he hops off the bed and rushes over to the door. I follow, and he quickly leads me to the fighting bay, where a large chariot sits on an aerial path. Heading out the bay doors, I watch as another airship arrives and the ramp is lowered. I usher Sandy on before turning back to the castle.

"(F/n), what are you doing?..."

"I'm gonna watch the fight, Sandy."

"I-is it so our viewers know what happens?....."

"Yeah. Stay on board, and stay safe. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Giving him a warm smile, I turn back to the monumental building and approach the doors. Peach is suddenly led out by Iggy, who's acting more frantic than usual. He pushes her onto the ship before hurrying back inside, mumbling to himself. Entering the arena, I go into a dark area of the room and watch as Mario and Luigi rush in, having the Fire Flower powers.

"Iggy! Let the princesses go, now!"

"You REALLY think I'm going to do that? Wow, you really ARE dumber than I first thought!" The green-haired male laughs before grinning an pulling out his wand. "I won't lose as easily as I did last time! Good luck dealing with Chompy!" He leaps into the chariot before waving his wand. A large Chain Chomp materializes from thin air, attached to the chariot. It barks loudly before zooming around on the dotted path, dragging Iggy behind. The two siblings rush towards two different points of the track, dodging the Chain Chomp in the process. As it races along the set course, Luigi leaps into the air and lands on top of Iggy, causing a good amount of damage. He collapses into the chariot and the Chain Chomp goes berserk, zipping through the trail at incredible speeds. Iggy suddenly hops back up and blows a raspberry at the duo, who are having difficulty with catching up with the Chomp, before beginning to blast magic at them. Mario manages to throw multiple fireballs at Iggy, setting his clothes on fire. Iggy quickly douses the fire before Chompy halts.

"Are you finally giving up?"

"Mario...I think he's gonna show off his armor..."

"Right you are, Greenie! The armor will make it impossible for you idiots to harm me! So good luck!!" With a cackle, Iggy removes his lab coat with a flourish. As it hits the floor, a high-collared chest plate forms, followed by a gleaming gladiator cape. A spiked helmet materialized on his head, and he adjusts it before laughing madly. "Try stopping me now, you pesky plumbers!" He wacks Chompy harshly with his wand and the large creature turns red, letting out a furious yelp before breaking off of the path, dashing around in a blinding rage. Iggy clings to the chariot before turning to the brothers and spanking his own rear, followed by a taunting "nyah, nyah!". The Chain Chomp takes a sudden, sharp turn, sending Iggy flying out of the jalopy and crashing to the floor. The raging Chomp suddenly speeds at me, not caring for who or what it targeted. Paralyzed in fear, the only thing I could do was stand and watch as it got closer to me. Right as it was getting ready to collide with me, I quickly threw myself onto the floor, covering my head with my arms and anticipating the worst. However, when nothing happened, I slowly opened my eyes to see that a familiar, mohawked boy was defending me, a large steel beam placed in between the Chain Chomp's teeth and preventing it from biting down.

"No! Bad Chompy! No hurting (F/n)! Got it?" The Chomp sadly nods, cooling off and giving the male a saddened expression. Removing the beam, he gently pats it before smiling. "Now go bite the mean ol' Mario brothers, okay?" Chompy nods before turning back to its targets and growling. Iggy swiftly hops into the chariot and the Chain Chomp races off once more, chasing the two around the ring. Slowly and shakily standing up, I take a few deep breaths before sighing in relief. Turning to the shorter male, I beam before hugging him.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Of course, (F/n)! Let's go ahead and get on my ship now, okay?"

"Okay, Lemmy. Lead the way." With that, he leads me outside and onto his anchored airship, which is stationed until the end of the battle.

"Go ahead and get ready to sail, guys!! Iggy is almost done!" With varying sounds of confirmation, the crew begins to prepare the ship for its voyage. A loud yelp followed by a whimper is heard from inside, causing all of us to turn to the castle. Mario and Luigi dart outside from the battle arena, heading to the ship. "LET'S GET GOING!!!" With a loud cheer, the crew sets the ship in motion before the Mushroom Kingdom's champions can hop aboard. Looking up at me, Lemmy grips my hand before leading me to a large section of the ship. Opening the door, he lets me inside before racing in behind me. Looking around, I see multiple, large beds that look extremely comfy. Scattered on the floor near solitary bed are toys, books, and rubber balls of varying size. "This is where you can sleep! Miss Peach and Sandy are already sleeping, so you can go ahead and pick a bed too!" Nodding, I gently pat Lemmy's bed before picking a (f/c) bed. Laying down, I get comfortable and yawn loudly since I had finally noticed how tired I was. Hey, you'd be exhausted too, if you were nearly killed by a raging Chain Chomp.

"Goodnight, Lemmy."

"Night night, (F/n)! We'll be at my fortress tomorrow, so I'll wake you up before we reach it!" Making a soft noise to confirm I had heard him, I slowly drifted off into a deep slumber filled with visions of ice and snow.

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