Chapter 17: Enter Kooky! ♪♪♪♪♪ ♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Haha whoops. TOTALLY didn't mean for this to happen. Updates will be slower due to school, but I hope y'all enjoy this garbage anyways.)

(Also, triggers in this chapter mainly include sexual assault/ attempted rape. I am soo sorry.)

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [LUDWIG'S POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

Once (F/n) finished crying, she pulled away and sniffled a bit, looking up at me.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it, (F/n)." Smiling down at her, I ruffled her hair up a bit before patting her on the shoulder. "I think we're about to eat. Go ahead and go back to your seat, alright?" She nodded before smiling up at me and hugging me, taking me by surprise.

"Thank you so much, Ludwig." Feeling my muscles loosen a bit, I smiled and rubbed her back before replying.

"You're welcome." Pulling away once more, she returned to her seat, and everyone else, including myself, returned to their spots. Hearing a door open, I looked towards the kitchen entrance to see Chef rolling in a cart with tons of food-covered trays. Everything from appetizers to main courses lay on the surface, each item on it's own tray and in a large amount. Rolling over to an empty spot on the table's side, he began to place everything onto the table, spreading it out so that everything was within reach. Once he was finished, he glared at me, which I quickly returned, before taking the cart and returning to the kitchen. And with that, we began to eat.

  ♪♪ [TIMESKIP] ♪♪ 

Almost everyone, including myself, was nearly finished eating when Chef came back out to where we sat. Walking over to Boss, the two of them discussed something quietly. Finishing up, the older Koopa walked down to the other end of the table. My eyes widened as I watched Chef grab (F/n) roughly and begin dragging her to the kitchen.

"Wait!" Standing up, I slammed my hands on the table, grabbing everyone's attention. "Boss, what is Chef doing with my prisoner?"

"He's having her help make dessert. Now sit down and finish eating."

"But your Highness... I also know the recipe. Couldn't I help make it?"

"Chef wanted her to help, so I'm letting him take her in there to help. Now sit down, Ludwig."

"Sir, please, I don't trust him alone with my prisoner."

"Ludwig, I said sit!"

"But, sir-"

"I SAID SIT DOWN!" Slamming his fists onto the table and making all of the plates bounce a little off of the table, King glared at me, seething with anger. Growling in defeat, I dug my claws into the table as I sat down, anger brewing in my veins.My leg began to bounce up and down as I stared down at the wooden table, my mind racing a mile a minute. Hearing the kitchen door shut, my heart fell into the pit of my stomach. Removing my hands from the table, I dug them into my hair, my elbows on the table and supporting my upper body. Clutching my hair tightly, worry and dread filled me until a small, almost unnoticeable thought popped into my mind in a nearly forgotten voice.

'Kill him.'  My eyes widened at the though, and I immediately knew that it was my younger, insane self speaking. 'Kill him. Torture him. Use him as an experiment.'  Clenching my eyes shut, I tried to ignore it, but it continued, and even grew louder. 'You know you want to, Ludwig. It'll be quick-just use your wand! Or you could make him suffer... take him down to our old lab, and we can have TONS of fun~ He deserves it, you know. The old coot deserves to rot in hell for his actions-'

"Ludwig? You okay?" Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I jumped slightly and turned to look at Iggy, who was staring down at me. "Hehee~ You look like something's wrong. You going cuckoo again?"

"N-no... I'm fine." Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself, until I heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. Quickly standing up, I grabbed my wand from where it rest on the table and ran towards the kitchen, ignoring Boss's yelling. Slamming the door open, my eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

(F/n) was kneeling on the floor, her hands tied behind her back with a dish towel. Her mouth was gagged with another dish towel, red marks were on her cheeks, and tears streamed down her face. Chef was kneeling down in front of her and, not noticing me, was burying his face into the crook of her neck, one hand on her waist while the other was tangled in her hair. A muffled sound of pain and displeasure came from her as he pulled on her hair roughly.

And at that exact moment, I snapped.

Walking over to them, I grabbed Chef and slammed him against the wall before pointing my wand at him.

"Cruciatus anima." A scream of pain erupted from him, and he fell to the floor as I released him. "Heheeheehaha! That's what you get for messing with her!~ Now, I think I'll let you suffer a bit longer- you deserve it. Gehahahahaha!" Smiling down at his agonized form, I turned towards (F/n) to see her staring at me, horror and fear in her eyes. "Don't worry, my dear. I'm not going to hurt you." Stepping over to where she was, I knelt down in front of her and reached out to her, only for her to lean away.

"Ludwig! What are you-" Looking towards the door, I saw Bowser standing in the doorway, my siblings behind him. His ruby eyes flicked between (F/n) and Chef, his jaw slack and his mouth slightly open. "What the hell happened?!"

"Well, you see, King Dad... earlier, my prisoner and ol' Chefy made a deal for that cake we made. We could make it, but she had to kiss him... He took it too far. Hueheehee~ And-"

"You know how Chef is with deals, Ludwig."

"Of course I do, but all he said was a kiss. Just a simple kiss. However, he had begun to make out with my prisoner and was trying to grope her, King Dad. I mean, it's not my fault he's a pervert that likes to flirt with every female residing here. Hahaa~ And as you can see here, he obviously has the hots for her-anyone could tell you that."


"Oh, and I am currently not Ludwig, King Dad."

"You're not?....Oh, no..."

"Oh, yes! I, Kooky Von Koopa, am back! Guhuhuhu!~"

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