Chapter 47: Trance

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(Heyo, nerds! I'm back with a new chapter for all you thirsty hoes XDDD JK. Okay but seriously I think you all are gonna enjoy this next part. The next chapters shall be done soon, so don't worry! This chapter marks one of the main parts of this story as a general: different endings. It's a huge thing I have planned for it, and this chapter can lead to a completely different ending and complete this story for you....if that's what you choose. One answer will continue it, and the other ends it, depending on your choice. It's all up to you, dear reader, since this is your tale. The two choices shall be in their own parts, making it easier to read them and choose. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this next part! ;)))



"Ah, my DEAR (pet name)!~ I've missed you sooOOOOO MUCH! Gehehe~ How have you been faring these past few days with my younger siblings, hmm?" I softly sigh as I feel the oncoming headache beginning to rise.

"I've been alright....other than having to deal with stupid Mario and Luigi, of course." He quickly nods, fixing his thick framed glasses. Stretching, he approaches a mirror hanging on his door, seemingly not caring about all of the paper strewn across the floor. Tilting his head slightly as he frowned in thought, he hummed quietly before reaching up to his crazy green locks. Running his hands through it repeatedly, it eventually drooped down into a tangled, wild mess. Looking around, he picks up a small chain and nods before walking over to a table covered with various potions and chemicals. Dropping the chain in, he grabs a pair of forceps before pulling it out, revealing that the chain had now turned a bright shade of magenta that clashed with his hair. Grinning, he picks up a metal ring, similar to the one that Junior wore his ponytail in, and tugged his hair through it. Once he deemed it tight enough, he wrapped the chain around it, hiding the grey metal with the bright magenta.

"There we go.....Now, you mentioned those stuuuuupid brothers, right?" He huffs as he sees me nod, his grin faltering a little. "Those fools...! They never know when to quit. They truly are getting on my nerves. I can't STAND them!" He growls, pacing back and forth in front of me as he ranted to nobody in particular. Sighing softly, I stand up and stretch before approaching the door, hoping to find a spare room in which I could sleep in for the night. Feeling a hand tightly grip my wrist, I wince slightly before turning to Iggy, who was grinning widely. "And WHERE are you going, my dear pigeon?~"

"I was hoping to go find somewhere to sleep at for the night. I figure that you'd like your room to yourself..." And I'm afraid of what you'll attempt to do to me, I think to myself, keeping my eyes lowered to the floor. Hearing him giggle, I gasp as he tugs me towards him, pulling me into his chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply.

"Oh, but (F/n), I LOOOOVE your presence~ Please don't leave me alone....I'll have awful nightmares if I'm alone." I softly sigh, figuring that it's one of his tricks, and manage to wriggle away from his grasp.

"You'll be fine, Iggy. I need some sleep, anyways. Good night." With that, I fix my shirt before walking out of the room, ignoring his protests. Heading down into the lower sections, I look around the area in search of a place to sleep at. Seeing a room filled with beds, I figure that it's for the crew on the board and hesitantly walk in. Noticing that nobody was inside, I sit down on one of the beds before taking the apron and flats off. Unbuttoning the top few buttons of the dress shirt, I lay down on the bed and yawn before slowly dozing off into a light slumber.

{Time Skip}

"Miss (F/n), please wake up!" Feeling someone shaking me, I yawn and sit up, cracking my eyes open before I look at who was waking me up. Seeing a Shy Guy wearing a sailor cap, I stretch before looking at him quietly.

"Mmm...whaddya need?"

"Master Iggy is having an awful nightmare, and he's screaming for you...!" Hearing shouting from above, I recognize the faint screams as Iggy. Sighing, I nod and stand up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Alright...thank ya." Heading out of the room, I head upstairs and slowly open Iggy's door. My heartstrings tug a little at the pained screams and whimpers coming from the slumbering male as he thrashes around in his sleep. Walking over, I gently place a hand on his shoulder to try and keep him still. "Iggy....wake up. It's okay." He whimpers, trembling and hyperventilating as he remains asleep. Rubbing his shoulder, I try to wake him up while attempting to comfort him. His teal orbs slowly crack open, his gaze landing on me as his eyes widen. He slowly sits up, his blanket sliding down to reveal his coat resting on his otherwise bare shoulders, his chest heaving.

"(F/n)?.....That you?...." I nod, gulping slightly. His bottom lip quivers before he tightly hugs me, burying his face in my shoulder as he begins to silently cry. I rub his back to comfort him, letting him cry and trying to ignore the heat radiating from his chest. "Oh, thank the stars...!"

"'s alright. It's okay, Iggy. It was only a dream." He slowly nods, his cries slowly fading as he calms down. His chin rests on my shoulder as he lifts one arm, surely to wipe his face, before draping it around me again.

"I'm so glad you're here..." I freeze up slightly as he moves, his face now resting against my throat. "I needed you here with me...~" Gasping as I realize that I had fallen for his trick, I try to pull away. However, he hugs me tightly against his chest, his hands slowly resting on my hips. I struggle against him, only for his lips to suddenly ram against mine with hunger and predatory need. Whimpering, I slowly note an odd strawberry taste on his lips which fills my mind and soothes me, and I relax into the kiss, enjoying it. He pulls away, and I can't help but to want more. My fingers grip his coat as I move closer to him, my face hot as I study his face. I find myself being attracted more and more to him, and I realize just how much I desire him.

"...Iggy....I don't know why, but....I need more." He smirks before dipping his head down, placing his lips against my throat. I let out a soft sigh as I tangle my hand in his green hair, enjoying the light kisses he placed on my neck.

"(Pet name), you have NO idea how much I need you~" A shiver runs down my spine at the tone of his voice, heat beginning to build in my lower regions. "May I have you?~" I nod, placing myself in his lap. He giggles excitedly before pushing me down onto the bed, straddling my hips. Reaching his hands down, he rips my shirt open, buttons flying everywhere and landing on the floor with a clatter. My face heats up as I look away, feeling his eyes staring at my (chest size) chest. "My,'ve been hiding such a beautiful body away from me~ Has any other men seen this before, my goddess?" I shake my head, my mind fogged by his presence and some other sort of unidentifiable source. "I'm so glad....that means I shall be your first?" I nod once more, feeling awfully shy under his lustful gaze. He grins before kissing me once more, the fog ensnaring my mind becoming stronger. I pull away and whimper, desire filling my body and throbbing in my nether regions.

"Iggy, please, don't tease me anymore. I need you so badly~" I involuntarily buck my hips up and let out a soft moan, feeling a large bulge in his pants. Wrapping my arms around him, I tug him closer before grinding up against him, ragged gasps coming from me. A soft groan comes from him as he buries his face into the crook of my neck, his hips coming down to meet mine.

"Oh, (Pet name)~ You're the one teasing me now...You're simply driving me mad! I need you so badly....I wish you would just let me be yours~ I don't know why you had to choose Ludwig....I'd make you feel like the goddess you are~" He slides the coat off of his shoulders, revealing his lithe, thin frame. Green hair coated his chest and trailed down his stomach into his dark sweatpants, and I slowly notice a dark scar around his throat. I gently touch it and notice his shudder before pulling my hand away. My gaze drifts downwards, following the hair, and my face heats up at the tent in the pants.


"(F/n), will you be mine?~" I open my mouth to answer, but I suddenly seem to come out of some sort of daze. Staring up at him with wide, bewildered eyes, my heart hammers in my chest. I no longer know what to do. My heart still belongs to Ludwig, but....this feels so right, being with Iggy. Taking a deep breath, I lick my lips and place my hands on his shoulders before opening my mouth to answer.

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