Chapter 4- No one's at fault.

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Doctor Raya lightly tapped on kits shoulder. "You should go home, it's your day off"

Kit slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot.

Good Morning there, Raya smiled at kit.

Hi good morning, kit slowly stretched his body. It seems that last night he couldn't sleep and up studying and sleeping in his desk. It was 8 in the morning.

"Its fine Dr.Raya, I have nothing else to do. Kit yawned.

Go home kit, you should give yourself some rest . Also take Mr. Mingkwan with you. He didn't look good crouching on his car.

Ming ! kit was wide awake now. What he is doing here? Kit blurt out.

I don't know but everyone is having a good day after seeing such a handsome face, Raya chuckled. Just saw him while parking. I don't know what happen between you two but instead of sulking, I guess you should spend some time with him , Raya winked at kit. You always say that you hardly get time with him and when you are getting one, why waste it.

Kit was flabbergasted. He was angry at Ming but seeing his face, he forgets about yesterday. Ming looked tired and old. Kit knocked at the window.

What are you doing here? This parking is reserve for hospital staff only. Kit said looking agitated at Ming.

Ming slowly absorbed the words, his eyes fixed at kit, slowly his heart felt like pumping again. He knew kit anger has subsided. Smilingly he said, " I was waiting for my wife, he is a doctor here. Have you seen him around "

Kit annoyingly looked at Ming, Whose wife! There's no one.

Yes there is, he is the cutest in the hospital. He is my beautiful wife.

Kit opened the door, getting inside. Not beautiful, you should say handsome.

Ming smiled heartedly, moving forward to kiss Kit.

Stop! I am still angry at you. kit said turning his face the other side.

Ming frowned, "Sorry, I will never do it again and thank you for being here with me"

Kit just scoffed.

Ming poked kit, I have talked to Nara and she is sorry too. She told me that you were panicking and getting worried, she just wanted you to calm down and be there with me.

Kit looked at Ming, are you giving me an excuse or an explanation for your own action. And its fine I am not angry at her but on you. It's not about the clothes but about you letting other invade our personal space. 

Jealous, Ming teased Kit trying to lighten the mood.

Instead Kit felt like hitting Ming right at his face.

Reading kits reaction, Ming said  "I will never do it again, crossed my heart" Ming continued, by the way were you jealous?

Whatever! Kit said annoyed. are so cute, Ming said pinching kits cheek.

kit pushed Ming hand aside, "I will forgive you on one condition, only if you spend the day with me, no office work"

Ming nodded, Have you eaten anything?

Yes but suddenly Kit stomach growled. Shit! Even his stomach is betraying him, he thought.

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