The Merging

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Maisys pov
"What are we going to do if this thing comes here? How do we fight it?" Aiden asked Scott

"All good questions" Scott muttered

"You don't know, do you?" I asked unamused.

"It can't be that hard to kill" Liam said

"You poor thing. Scotts taught you nothing" I said placing a comforting hand on Liam's bicep, I heard Liam's heartbeat pick up a bit as my skin touch touched his causing Aiden to growl. I held him back as he tried to attack Liam.

"Aiden, don't worry about it he's just a kid" I said making Aiden calm down a little as I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me.

"Could you be anymore obsessive?" Scott asked Aiden.

"Can it Scott" I said as we heard grunts and growls down the hall.

"That's her, isn't it?" Mrs Finch whispered to us

"Well, what are you planning on doing?" She asked

"Shh!" I said

"You, you're not going to try to hurt her, are you? That's my daughter."

"We're gonna do what we have to do." Aiden said

"What exactly does that mean?" Mrs finch stammers

"Just stay back." Scott pleaded before turning to us

"Ready?" He asked getting a nod from all us before a bunch of wolfsbane was thrown at us,causing Scott Liam and Aiden to duck to the ground coughing.

"Bitch" I growled looking at her retreating figure then back at Aiden.

"Get her baby" Aiden said causing me to growl and set off in Mrs. Finch's direction

"Mai, wait" Scott called still coughing, but I ignored him.

"You're not my daughter. You killed her. You killed my daughter. You killed all of them." I heard Mrs. Finch day as I approached her and the girl she talking to, who I can only guess is Quinn.

"Tell me who it is." Quinn said in a distorted voice before slashing Mrs. Finch before turning to my direction sniffing the air and walking away completely ignoring me. I look at her strangely as she walked away, before I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Maisy what happened?" Scott asked kneeling beside Mrs.finch

"I don't know. Quinn attacked Mrs. Finch and then just look in my direction and walked away, it was like I wasn't even there, like she was looking straight through me." I said still looking in the direction she went

"So, you're okay?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"I'll stay. Go find Quinn." Scott said looking at Liam.

"Whoa, whoa, we need to face her together." Liam said

"I can't leave her. Go." Scott said.

"What if she finds Aaron first? How am I supposed to fight both of them?" Liam asked.

"We'll help you" I said

"No offence but I dont know you, you're hot and all but that doesn't mean I can trust you" Liam said nervously before looking at Scott.

"I'm gonna kill him when this is over" Aiden whispered to me.

"Liam, look, man it's okay to be afraid. Just don't let it stop you, okay? Maisy's my sister and you can trust her, okay? You've got this. Go." Scott said to liam, he looked at is and we nodded before taking off in the direction of Quinn.

Scotts pov
"It's my fault. I pushed her away". Mrs. Finch groaned out as I moved her to an empty classroom.

"please, you have to trigger your healing."

"I forced her to run to them, - I forced her to hide who she was."

"Hey. You need to shift, or you're gonna die. Do you get it? You'll die. Mrs. Finch? Hey. Shift, okay? You need to do it right now. Shift! Quinn She's gone. Your daughter's gone. Quinn is dead." Scott yelled, forcing Mrs finch to get angry and shift.

Maisy's pov
Liam, Aiden and I growled seeing the Anuk-Ite standing with its other half at the end of the library. Liam and Aiden ran across the library tables to get to them fast, both being knocked back by a punch to the stomach. I growled ready to attack when the Anuk-Ite started kissing its other half.

"Gross" I muttered. Aiden looking up with a face of digust seeing what was happening as well, before the Anuk-Ite halves started to attack each other.

"Um, what am I supposed to do?" I asked unsure looking at Aiden

"A little help would be nice"

"Right sorry" I exclaimed running over to him and taking his pain.

"Better?" I asked just as Quinns half of the Anuk-Ite fell to the floor dead. The other half put his hand on Quinns face, eyes glowing purple as spiders crawled in his mouth. A purple glow emitted from his skin as he moved behind a library shelf. Liam moved standing up beside us.

"What's happening?" Liam asked

"They're merging."

"Should we run now, or?" Aiden asked just as someone grabbed all three of us from behind and puled us out of the library.

"We have to run" Lydia said standing up.


"What are you doing? Quinn and Aaron merged, we have to stop them." Liam said

"You can't. You can't look at it. If you do, it'll kill you." Lydia said as we followed her, running away from the library

"How do we fight something we can't look at?" Aiden asked

"I have no idea." Lydia said

"We have to learn to fight without our eyes. Fight without seeing" I said

"Deucalion." Aiden said glumly.

Gerard pov
"You'll forgive me for not looking you in the eye while talking. I've heard the stories of how lethal it can be. I know what you want. You want your freedom. That means getting rid of people like Scott McCall." I said talking to the Anuk-Ite.

"The Alpha." He responded

"That's right. We both know you can't match him in a physical fight. You might be able to kill him with a look, but you'd be surprised at how resourceful he can be."

"Your offer?"

"I will weaken him for you with the proper poison. Then, you kill him and his friends, and that will give you all the fear you need to never be caught again."

"And you?"

"I'll drive every last one of their kind from Beacon Hills. See this? A silver bullet. Every legend has a little truth to it. The legend is, is that you need silver to kill a werewolf. The truth? You need an Argent."

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