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(A/N: im sorry if things keep on changing I'm just editing my stories and making it easier to read and determine who is talking. This will also be happening with other chapters of this story and my other stories. Thankyou so much for your patience and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the story! :D) I woke up in this pitch black area, and i couldnt see anything, not even myself. But then all of a sudden i saw a light appear out of nowhere, and out of that light came arceus. I was stunned, i just stood there frozen with my jaw to the floor, literally. Y-y-your a-a-arcues i barely managed to say.

Yes child i am. I also seem have that effect on alot of people and pokemon he said. W-where am i? I said still stunned. Why am i here? Well firstly your in a sort of limbo In between the living......and the afterlife. Luka didn't process what he said until the end of the second question. As for your second see.....Your dead.

WHAT!!! I CANT BE DEAD T-THERE'S NO WAY IM D-DEAD!!!! Im sorry luka but you are, you drowned in that tidal wave. Arceus said in a sad tone of voice. But you do have a choice, arceus said. Since it wasn't you time time to die you can either: go to heaven or be reborn as a latios.

The only reason im making you a latios is because the same time you died, latios was dying aswell and so your soul merged with his and healed it. So basicly you saved latios's life. that is why you have the option become a latios. Unless of course you want to become a bidoof or something, arceus joked. NO! NO! I DONT LORD ARCEUS!!! hahaha no need to be so formal, Arceus is just fine.

O-ok th-thankyou so much lo- i mean arceus. so what is your choice luka? M-my c-choice? Yes, Arceus said. i-i-I CHOOSE TO LIVE AS A LATIOS!!!
Very well luka if that is your wish. Oh wait arceus. yes child? TH-THANKYOU S-SO M-MUCH!!! you are most welcome. Enjoy your new life. Arceus smiled And then dissapeared and i blacked out again.
Bianca's pov
NOOOO LUUUKAAA!!! Why? why did he have to die so young!......(sobbs).......why?! he didnt deserve this!!
I know bianca, i know. Said lorenzo reassuringly. but then all of a sudden arceus appeared out of nowhere. HOLY- WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!!! I came from the sky, arceus joked. Fair enough said bianca. why are you here? Im here because of luka.

W-why luca, what do you want with him? I gave him a choice between going to heaven or being reborn as a pokemon. He chose to be reborn. I will not tell you which one however, im sure you can work that out on your own, arceus teased. As for the lati twins......A blinding flash of white light appeared in front of them. When the light dissapeared there was latias and latios sleeping peacefully.

Luka saved latios, he would've died if it wasnt for luka's sacrifice. Umm arceus? Yes? said arceus. Wheres luka. Hmm? oh he should be right behind you. Bianca turned around and sure enough there was an egg. they didnt know which pokemon was inside it though. Arceus do you have time for a few more questions? Arceus nodded. Yes but make them quick please.

Bianca nodded. ok first question, when will luka hatch? Hmmm. Give it about 5-7 months max. It takes a while for his body and mind to grow, along with everything else. Ok second question, when will the lati twins wake up? Oh those two? hmmm give latios 2 or 3 months but latias will wake up in about a month max. Arceus wait A second please!

Hmm? Yes? Th- thankyou so m-much for bringing these three back home safely, thankyou! Heheh I seem to be getting alot of praise today, but I'm just doing my job of keeping everyone safe. But still you are most welcome. Arceus said with a smile then left.

Ok how the hell are we going to get these two home? Hmmm let me go get a gondola were gonna haveto try to push them. Ughh thats gonna be a pain bianca complained. oh quit complaining and help me. Ok-ok im coming. (Back at lorenzo's and bianca's house.....)PHEW how did we manage to get them up to my room grandfather?

I have no idea bianca. Then all of a sudden bianca realised something. OH NO! what-what's wrong bianca? WE FORGOT LUKA!!! OH THATS RIGHT QUICKLY GO GET HIM I'LL GET DINNER STARTED!!! And with that bianca was out the door running for the D.M.A. (1 hour later) GRANDFATHER IM BACK!!! Is luka ok?

Yep got him right here lucky we remembered at that time cause the sun had started to rise and people are out and about hahaha. yea that was close one, said lorenzo as he sat down at the table. C'mon lets have some dinner than get some sleep its been a really long night.

And with that they ate and went to bed. Bianca put luka on a soft cushion, so he would be nice and warm, then went to sleep. (And that about wraps up this chapter, i really hope you've been enjoying these chapters so far, thats about all i can thibk of to say so with that said ill see you in the next chapter BYYYEEEE!!!!!!

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