leaving home

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(Luka's pov 3 weeks later later) ughhh I'm soo boooorreed! Hey luka what's up? PIKACHU! you have the best timing! Cmon lets play, I'm sooo bored! You'll haveto ask your mother, cause I'm not sure you are fully healed yet. Fine, I'll go ask her. I hover over to latias, and ask her if I can play with pikachu, to which she agrees but asks that I be careful, and take it easy. Ok! Thanks mum!

(A few hours later)

I was super tired from playing with pikachu all day, and went to sleep on a branch, making sure not to fall off this time. I awoke some time later to see ash and bianca chatting. What could they be talking about? Couldn't tell ya kid. AH FU- PIKACHU, YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! Sorry kid, thought you were talking to me before, heheh! Where did you learn to swear, anyway? I'm a reincarnate, I was caught in that giant tidal wave, and used my life force to save latios.

Arceus saw that and reincarnated me. So you're that kid latias and the others were mourning over, eh? Some kid named luka? Yup, that's me! Damn, seems like you've gone through alot.... I feel like I'm going to go through alot more in this life..... That's for sure! Why do you call me "kid", anyway? Pikachu just shrugged I dunno, maybe since I'm older, it just feels right, but you dont mind do ya? Nah, I'll get used to it.

I began listening in to the conversation between ash and bianca. I've got to leave in a few days, I just hope that latias won't be too upset, I've got badges to win, regions to explore and so much more! 'Well, why don't you take luka with you? He was a trainer before he.....well....you know, so I think he'd be great company!' "I'd love for him to come, but somehow, I don't see latias letting him go anytime soon.... "I'll go talk to her. ....." pikachu and I followed, watching the drama unfold.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT, I FORBID LUCA TO BE OUT OF MY SIGHT! HE IS MUCH TOO YOUNG TO GO OUT ON AN ADVENTURE, EVEN IF IT IS WITH ASH!!" An adventure?! With ash?! 'Latias, you know that luca used to be a trainer! He knows what to expect, even in the outside world!' "I know, but.......I still worry for him!" 'Ash is leaving in a few days, why don't you teach him as much as you know on that time, or even get latios to teach him!'

"You're right, I can't keep him here forever, he has to go out and explore the world, and get stronger! Fine, I'll let him go with ash, but only if he wants to. Latias hovered over to me and picked me up. "You've been listening haven't you, luka?" I looked away embarrassed. "Tell me, do you want to go out and explore the world, or be a guardian of the soul dew with me?" I-i......I'm sorry mum, I want to go out and explore the world, I never explored any regions outside of johto, and I've always wanted to see what they're like! "Then you go my son, you explore, battle, grow and level up, so you may one day win the league for ash!" I will momma, I will!

"That's my boy!" With tears in her eyes, she said that Luka may go with ash, trusting that he will take care of him, but asking a favor of him just to be sure.
"Latios and I will teach you as much as we can in 4 days, so you better get ready!" Alright! Over the next 4 Days, I was trained hard, harder than I had ever been trained before. Eventually the day had come where it was time for me to leave, and I was flying down to meet ash and his friends as they were getting into the boat.

Where are they? Where are who, ash?" Asked misty." 'Yes, ash, I'm curious aswell. Piped Brock. Just a little friend that will be joining us on our adventures. Both misty and Brock were wondering who ash was talking about, when when they both saw something in the distance heading towards them. It appears they have arrived! Ash unclipped a black pokeball with a gold and red trim around it, with an L engraved on the front, from his belt and threw it high up in the air.

Suddenly the fast moving object corrected its trajectory and slowed down enough to tap the pokeball, sucking it inside, but still fast enough to leave misty and Brock Confused as hell. With a click, the mysterious pokemon was caught. I'll show you later, don't worry, let's get in! As ash and the others began to take off, to their next adventure, he suddenly saw bianca.......or was it latias, one can never tell. Anyway, ash had the driver stop the boat and him and latias or bianca stood there staring at each other, before giving him something, then kissing him on the cheek, then running off.

Needless to say, Brock was VERY jealous and fell back in surprise. After that ash got back into the boat and we took off, signalling the start of my adventure!

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