an old friend

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(Luka's pov) it was 5:00 in the morning and mommy and latios were fast asleep. and me? I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. So i decided to do a little exploring around the garden. I came across this weird sphere/crystal ball type thing submerged in water, so i decided to take a closer look at it.

I touched it and it felt very smooth and round, and its presence was very calming. But then all of a sudden i just blacked out. I woke up in this pitch black place, but then a saw an HUGE version of latios and so i asked L-latios is that y-you? No-well yes, that is my species, but you are referring to latias's brother correct? Y-yes a-are you mommy's father? Mommy?!

Yes I am, but how did she find a mate? Well you swee latias didwnt give bwirth to me, Arceus did. Ok little one how in giratinas distortion world do you know about birth and arceus? W-well its kindof a long I've got plenty of time (About an hour of explaining later) y-you were h-human and you saved my sons life by sacrificing your own?

I-I can't tell you how grateful I am for saving my sons life, but im curious, how are you my daughters child if she didn't give birth to you? Also how are you a shiny latios? Oh i forgot to mention that......after i died Which in turn saved latiwos, which i would've done without heswitation anyway, arceus gave me a choice to either: go to heavwen or be reborn life as a baby latios, But i didnt know i would be shiny.

And as for the whole mother thing.....well I g-guess that a baby lati needs a mother and father figure and seeing as latios is latias's brother he cant really be a fatherly figure to me so i guess that i see latias as that motherly figure. Yes fair enough. And well m-my real pawents d-died in a c-car crash. S-so i asked latias if she would be my mommy s-since my r-real ones died in a car cwash. And she happily accepted, and that means you would be my-grandfather? Well y-yes.

I-im sorry its just i-im still getting used to thwis stupid bwaby voice, and this new body and everything. Its alright, come here. I slowly hovered over. I never thought I would have a grandson haha. Ok my little lati you better get back to your mother, because im sure she's really worried about you being unconscious in front of the fountain. H-how did you- goodbye for now my little grandson. You can talk to me anytime, I'll always be here, just warn your mother or latios next time. 

Th-thankyou and goodbye until we meet again.......grandfather. And then everything went dark... again. "Luka....luka........LUKA PLEASE WAKE UP MY LITTLE LATIOS!" Ughh my head is spinning and i feel very dizzy. Mommy is that you? "Yes my son its me, are you alright?" Yes mommy im fine i was just talking with gwandfather. He is a huuuge latiwos. "Oh you met our father did you?" I nodded. "How did he react when he saw you?" Well he was confused as to how a baby shwiny latiwos even existed let alone enter the soul dew. Latias just giggled.

"Did you tell him everything?" Yep i was there for about an hour. Really? Yep. "LUKA I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!! DONT EVER SNEAK OFF LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!" I-im sorry mommy i-i was just exploring the g-garden. Tears started to well up in my eyes. Oh luka im sorry come here. I slowly hovered over to her trying not to burst out crying. "Oh im so sorry honey i didnt mean to scare you i just dont want to lose you. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you." O-ok m-mommy. Cmon luka lets head back over to latios. I just nodded and she picked me up and flew off.

Mommy I've sort of learnt how to fly, that's how i got to the fountain. But i cant stay in the air for very long. "Dont worry luka ill teach you later today ok?" Ok mommy i cant wait! i said smiling. When we got back latias and bianca were standing there with someone i didnt recognize. But apparently latias did because she put me on the tree and zoomed over to him. I was fine for a couple of minutes till i fell out of the tree and landed really hard. AGHHHHH MOMMYY!!!!!!! Then instantly latias turned around she gasped loudly and rushed over to me.

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