I decided to do a collection of text message quotes including breakups that I find particularly amusing, so here they are!
Ex: Hey
Guy: Why are you talking to me... we broke up?
Ex: Because I wrote you a song, wanna hear it?
Guy: Sure.!
Ex: Enie meni myni mo caught you cheating with that hoe, tried to lie right to my face, think again you've been replaced.
Guy: -_-
Cheating ex- boyfriend: Are you still mad at me?
Me: Twinkle, twinkle little star
C E-B:How I wonder what you are?
Me: Wish I could hit you with my car
C E-B: OK, you're still mad
Ex: Good morning beautiful:)
Girl: Excuse me? Check who you're texting
Ex: I'm texting the most gorgeous girl in the world. Look, I'm really sorry about the breakup. I've x:come to realise that you grew to be a part of me for the 1.5 years we dated. Take me back? I can't live without you anymore.
Girl: ...We dated for 4 weeks and you broke up with me yesterday. Wrong ex, grasshole.
Ex: Shoot...
A/N Had to change some swear words from that... credit to The Bad Boy Stole My Bra for the whole grasshole thing :P
Boy: What happened to your face?
Girl: That was make up!
Girl: What's your excuse?
Girl: Nice
Boy: Did you just 'nice' your own joke?!
Girl: Yah. You would to, if you could do jokes.
Girl: Nice
Girl: I have a song for you. It's called Want U Back by Cher Lloyd. :3
Boy: Aw, I have a song for you too:)
Girl: What's it called? :D
Boy: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift...
Boy: Would you like to be the sun in my life?
Girl: Aweeeeeee ye!
Boy: Good, then stay 9, 955, 887.6 miles away from me!
Girl: D**k -_-
Ex- Boyfriend: Hey;)
Me: What do you want? You broke up with me 8 weeks ago, I'm done! Unless you want to do some..... things;)
Ex-Bf: Ooooh, what kind of things? ;)
Me: Ilegal things... ;)
Ex-Bf: What do you wanna do exactly?
Me: Introduce you to my knife and find a deserted railway track with you
Well, that escalated quickly...
Erik: I just got 2 grams for $40
Erik: Oops, ignore that text, not for you.
Mom: 2 grams of whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttt?!
Mom: You're freaking me out!
Mom: Erik, what the hell?!
Mom: You're giving me a heart attack, seriously!
Mom: What do you mean? Now you're doing cocaine? Ganja? What?????
Mom: God help me. And you.
Boy: I miss you. I was wrong.
Girl: This is an auto-response. The girl you're trying to reach spent 3 months after your break up to recieve this text, followed by 3 more months accepting that it would never come. The 6 months after were spent dating other guys to get over you. It worked. Your text is a year late, and she blocked you. Have a nice life.
Ex- Bf: Well we can still be friends:)
Girl: Promise?
Ex- Bf: PINKY (:
Girl: Okay :) Can I ask you for a favour?
Ex- Bf: Anything (:
Girl: Go shove that pinky promise up your grass. You broke my heart grasshole.
Gotta love these!!!!!
Quirkily Hilarious Quotes
Humor|A collection of funny or just plain good quotes...enjoy!