Chapter 2

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My alarm goes off, and god I wish could sleep for just ten more minutes. After checking my phone I finally get out of my bed. I grab my toiletry bag and head for the showers. Thankfully, we get our own cubicle, which is very small, but better than having to see naked bodies at 6am next to me. I do my usual morning routine before getting dressed in my favourite skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Keeping it casual and simple for my first day. I go to open the door and leave for class when I realise I forgot my shoes. The college stress is already getting to me, and college didn't even start yet. I quickly put on my white converse, grab my stuff and head out the door.

I walk over to the main building which is already filled with people running around looking for their classes and I am one of them. I search for my English Literature class, trying to push my way through the crowd of people as someone taps me on my shoulder.

"Sorry, you dropped this." I hear a female voice behind me.

"Thank you," I say, smiling at the stranger with beautiful dark brown hair

"No problem. Looking for a class?" She asks with a friendly smile

"English Literature." I quickly reply, still trying to look for the damn class.

"Me too. I guess we're in the same class. I'm Kendall by the way. What's your name?" the stranger asks as we walk together.

"I'm Hailey."

"Nice to meet you. Look here it is" Kendall says as she pushes the door open to a huge room, and I instantly stop in my tracks. The class has already begun and everyone stares at us.

"Sorry, we couldn't..." I begin to explain to the professor who has a pissed expression on his face, but he holds up his finger, silencing me and points to two empty seats at the back "Freshmen." he mumbles under his breath. Great now the professor hates me and it's only my first day. As I walk up the stairs to go to the back of the classroom I spot someone laughing under their breath. I don't pay much attention but then I notice who it is. It's him, the guy I bumped into and saw yesterday in the cafeteria. Why is he in this class? There's no way he is 18. I look at him and our eyes meet as he counties to laugh and points at his watch, I roll my eyes and quickly walk over to my seat where Kendall is waiting for me. The class resumes back to normal, and soon I am lost in the world of English literature. Since a young age my dad always used to read me stories before I would go to bed, even though I didn't understand much of the stories, I still loved them. I loved to listen to his soothing voice as I fell asleep, and when he stopped reading me stories I used to imagine him sitting next to my bed reading my favourite book, knowing that he will never read to me again.

After two long hours of note taking and reading, the class is over. I say goodbye to Kendall as she has another class, but luckily I have a break now. I pack my bag and walk down the stairs to exit the room, when I see a figure leaning on a wall next to the door, a big smile plastered on his face. My cheeks turn red with each step I take.

"That was funny." He says as I am about to open the door to leave.

"I'm glad someone finds it amusing," I say, a sarcastic tone in my voice.

"I do. It was quite funny." He continues "What's your next class? I should probably show you, so you're not late. Again." He laughs

"Haha very funny. What made you change your mind, and be nice?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I'm a nice person. Probably the nicest person you'll meet. What's your name?" He asks as he opens to door and we begin to walk to an unnamed destination.

"I'm Hailey, and you are?" I introduce myself, as we walk out of the building and into to campus park.

"I'm Justin. Justin Bieber. Nice to meet you, your majesty." Justin says, and courtesies in front of me. I start laughing at his actions.

"You sure can courtesy." I laugh as we sit on a bench, the sun shining down and the wind creating a cool breeze.

"Tell me your story," Justin says out of nowhere, turning to face me.

"What story?" I laugh. I'm the last person who has a 'story' to tell, I was the average kid from a small town with somewhat of a normal family.

"Tell me about yourself, your favourite book, food, anything," Justin explains as our eyes meet and I see the beautiful combination of colours in his eyes.

"There's just so much to know about me. Where do I start?" I joke but soon the smile gets wiped off my face and panic takes over when I see the familiar eyes and smile in the distance looking right at me. I thought I got rid of him when I left. "S-sorry I have to go." I quickly say as I stand up and run to my dorm, away from the eyes in the distance, the eyes that I once found the most beautiful and the eyes that I thought were brighter than the oceans. 

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