Already Gone (2)-Sherlock

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Remember all the things we wanted,

Now all our memories, they're haunted

We were always meant to say goodbye

Even with our fists held high,

It would never have worked out right

We were never meant for do or die.

Each pound of your heart felt like someone was punching you in the stomach. The news you received was not what you ever wanted to hear. You were going to die?! What?! You tried to force back your tears but failed. Streams of tears rolled down your cheeks. Why did this have to happen.
You hadn't been feeling well the past few weeks so you decided to get a checkup. Obviously you went to none other than John Watson to see what the problem was. But it was more serious than just not feeling well. One thing led to another and then you finally found out that you had cancer! That was the worst news you had ever heard. But more would have to somehow hide that from Sherlock.
Your relationship with him was working out well. He was still learning some things about relationships and how they work, but all-in-all you guys were happy! You didn't want to ruin that by telling him you would die in just a couple months. But then again it would save him some sorrow when it! You could do that! Cause then he would spend those few months trying to find a cure for it and most likely fail and it would just make everything worse for him. You didn't want to put him through that.
John was waiting for you and you grabbed his arm before he could try and just leave.

"John."  You said, sounding urgent.

"Yeah?"  He asked.

"Don't tell Sherlock about this."  You told him, but it sounded more like you were pleading.

"Y/n.  How are you possibly going to hide this?  Especially from Sherlock." 

You shrugged, "I'll figure it out. But I can't put him through this.  Please, John."  You said, your voice cracking as you tried not to cry.

John looked into your eyes and saw how much this seemed to mean to you. After a while, he sighed reluctantly.

"Alright.  I won't tell him. But if he figures it out I won't deny it." 

You smiled slightly and hugged him, "Thank you, John." You whispered.

You then started to sob, right there in John's arms. You couldn't control yourself and soon, John joined in crying too.

"I'm not ready for this, John." You sobbed.

John took in a deep breath before speaking, "I know, y/n. No one ever is." He said rubbing your back.

You pulled away and wiped away the tears. "I think we should be getting back now." You suggested.

John nodded, "I agree."

I didn't want us to burn out,

I didn't come here to hurt you now

I can't stop.

I want you to know

That it doesn't matter

Where we take this road

Someone's gotta go

And I want you to know

You couldn't have loved me better

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