Welcome To Wonderland-Sherlock

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Welcome to Wonderland

We've got it all

Potions and pastries that make you grow tall

Forests and cottages,

Castles and cards that can talk

Sherlock Holmes–the world's greatest detective of all time–found himself in the hospital. He wasn't injured or anything like that. No, he was simply an old man. He had lived a full life and now it seemed that he was coming to the end. Rosamund Watson-Holmes came to visit him often. Yes, Holmes. She had married Sherlock's son.
Who was the mother of the consulting detective's child? It was you of course—y/n
y/l/n. Charles Holmes and Rosamund Watson grew up together and eventually got married. And now, the two of them sat by their father's bedside, praying for just a little bit more time with him.
Anytime Sherlock was awake, Charlie and Rosie talked with him. They smiled and laughed, but the great detective could see the hidden sadness. He knew he didn't have much time left. But he always smiled back. For whenever he looked at Rosie, he could see Mary and John in her. And every time he looked at Charlie, he could see you. His three closest friends—his family—gone from this world. Oh how he missed everyone. Little did he know, however, that he would be seeing them very soon...


It was morning. That much Sherlock could tell even before he opened his eyes. For through his eyelids, he could see the light shining in from the window. He sighed at the thought of another day stuck in this room—stuck in this bed. He longed to go back home.


A voice called his name. A familiar one at that. In most stories, one would have Sherlock's eyes snap open to search for the source of the voice. But in this case, Sherlock kept his eyes closed.

'I'm just dreaming.' He told himself.

Of course he was just dreaming. How else would he be hearing the voice of his deceased wife?

"Open your eyes, Sherlock."

She sounded so real though. And more importantly, she sounded alive. But the old detective refused to open his eyes. A soft chuckle came from whoever it was in the room with him.

"I know you're awake. But that's okay. I can wait."

Sherlock suppressed a smile at that. Oh yes. Yes, this was his wife. His y/n. You would always wait. You were always patient. You were always his. Finally, giving in, Sherlock opened his eyes. Lo and behold, there you sat, the wife of Sherlock Holmes, and you looked as beautiful as ever. You smiled at him and stretched out your hand for him to take.

"Come on, Sherlock. We have a long journey ahead of us."

Welcome to Wonderland

Look where you're at

Maddest of hatters

The Cheshire Cat

Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks

As soon as Sherlock's hand interlocked with yours, he felt a surge of energy. You pulled him forward and as you did so, Sherlock looked behind him. He could see himself. His body, still lying on the bed in the hospital. Sherlock was so taken aback by this that he released your hand. You paused and turned back as well. A small smile graced your lips.

"Am I..." Sherlock gulped, his throat feeling dry all of a sudden, "...am I dead?"

You shook your head, "Not yet. But that's why I'm here."

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