Bedrooms & sleeping conditions

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   "It's probably just fake" Watermelon said as she joined in on our conversation. She's 14. We agreed it was a fake and kept swimming around in the pool.

   Before we knew it, it was dark out. The mushrooms are nocturnal, so once some of them came outside we knew it was time for us to go back to our dorm room type things.

   All the rooms for us are on the second floor. Mushrooms have the third floor. I walked into Pea shooter and my small bedroom. Since it was only for 2 people, we got the smallest room. Sunflower and her siblings' room was right beside ours. They have a large room since it's for 6 people. In our room, there's only one bed. So every night we take turns sleeping on the bed while the other sleeps on the floor with a ton of blankets. "It's your turn to sleep in the bed" Pea shooter told me. She started setting up blankets on the floor. After that we both sat at the desk we had and took out paper and pencils. We have this thing where we like to write, but never really share stories.

   It felt like a minute had gone by, and we looked at the clock. "12:00am". We usually go to sleep later than this, but I could tell she was tired. "Come on, let's sleep"

   It was about 5 minutes that I was laying in bed and Pea shooter in her blankets on the floor. I knew it was really uncomfortable for her.

   I looked down at her. "Hey Pea" I whispered. She looked up. "You can sleep in the bed too"

   No questions asked, she got into the bed next to me. "Aren't you gonna get on the floor?" She asked. "No. Too tired to move". I mean I was, but honestly I just wanted to cuddle her while she slept and move away before she'd wake up. But since it was late, my excuse made sense to her.

   I'm not sure what I feel for her.. but I know it's more than just best friends.

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