What's happening?

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In the morning, I awoke to the mushrooms stampeding up the stairs. I took a glance at the clock. "4:00am"

It was still dark out.. why would they come in this early..?

Maybe the clock was just broken. I got up and moved the curtains to see out the window. It was still dark, so the clock was right.

I had a mini panic attack and that woke Pea shooter up. "What are you freaking out about?" She asked.

"The mushrooms came inside a few minutes ago.. it's way early for them and I'm concerned!" Pea shooter sat there and then eventually said, "They probably came in early to party in Fume-shroom's room again like last week. You were asleep but I was up. Don't worry about it." And then she fell back asleep.

I was still worried though. I heard Sunshroom scream in fear. She's 13 like us. I know she's a scardey cat, but that scream was different.

At this point, I was shaking with fear. I left our room and walked up the stairs, but the old wood kept creaking. They didn't notice me though.

I got to their floor and stayed silent so I could eavesdrop. Amongst a conversation, all I heard was Sunshroom saying, "but I don't wanna get eaten by a zombie.."

I ran back to my room and hid under the covers. I ended up falling back asleep.

I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the curtains. I went out in the hallway to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I came back to the room to see Pea shooter sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Wanna go for a swim? Even though it's only 8 in the morning?" I asked her. "Sure!"

We went outside and jumped into the water. Walnut was chilling on the lawn sucking on a popsicle. Pea shooter and I were swimming around happily, but then Walnut let out a scream.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we got out of the pool. "Look..!!" He said shaking as he pointed into the distance.

Pea shooter and I stared into that direction for a while. Then we spotted the shadowy figure he saw. "What about it..?" I asked quietly, but then I immediately knew, and so did Pea shooter. We screamed at the top of our lungs and ran inside with Walnut behind us.

Just one last pea (PvZ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now