Something's coming..

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The 3 of us kept uncontrollably screaming in fear. "What the hell are you screaming about?!" Sunflower asked annoyed, because our screaming made the triplets cry. Pea shooter whispered into Sunflower's ear, "There's a zombie in the distance.."

Sunny must have overheard us. "That's impossible. Show me this.. "zombie" of yours."

Walnut, Pea shooter and I walked outside with Sunny following us. "I don't see anything" she said.

We looked around a little. We saw a tree with a shadow behind it a few yards out. Then, a zombie jumped out from behind the tree. All 4 of us let out screams.

"If we don't do anything about it, it'll come over here and kill us!" Sunny cried, concerned. "We need someone.. brave" I said.

Sunny went inside to find someone brave, and so did Walnut.. probably because he was scared. Meanwhile Pea shooter and I sat on the deck cowering in fear. The zombie was almost clear to see.

A minute later Sunny came back out with Watermelon. The advantage is that Watermelon does a lot of damage to zombies and is a really brave plant.

Watermelon sat on the lawn close to the deck, while us 3 hid behind her. "It's just one. Don't worry, I know I can handle this."

The zombie came onto the lawn. Watermelon started catapulting watermelons at the zombie, and luckily it's limbs started to come off and soon it fell and died. "Yay you did it!!" Sunny excitedly exclaimed with relief as she pulled Watermelon in for a hug.

Watermelon blushed and hugged Sunny back. "I'm gonna move into your room tonight. Permanently." Sunny told Watermelon. "How about you do it now!" Watermelon suggested. "Omg ya!"

Then Watermelon and Sunny kept squealing like fangirls as they ran inside. I knew it. I knew they were dating!

Pea shooter and I shook off the zombie encounter and lazily laid down on the lawn.

"I don't know what I'd ever do without you.." I said to Pea shooter. "Same for you too"

I was enjoying the moment, but then I was interrupted when I saw a shadowy figure in the distance. But this time I wasn't scared or anything, I was just annoyed.

Pea shooter stood on the lawn and told me to stand in front of her, so I did. She knew how to fight off zombies alone, she reads books like that.

But I've never even shot an ice pea from myself before.. what if I screwed up and the zombie killed us..?

Just one last pea (PvZ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now