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guys look, I have literally zero inspiration about Christmas randomness its been months since that and I am NOT kidding when I say that its getting REALLY WEIRD how NOBODY COMMENTS on both D.A and wattpad  ( my username is titusdragon ) so here this is all that I could think of in the past few months

and if you want more of this than you should comment

(avrealls pov ) I was wrapping presents in my room when I heard pythor behind me

"Pythor what are you doing here?"

I asked the snake

"Well my lovely avreall I came to visit you and python and... oh look mistletoe!"

pythor suddenly pulled me to his chest and began covering my face with kisses

"PYTHORR!!!!! how many times do i have to tell you to stop pulling the mistletoe move on me!?!"

" A billion!more!"

"Pythor your such a child!"

I shouted at him. every freaking Christmas he does this!

oh great now clancee wants in

he ran into the room and tackled me out of pythors arms to the floor and kissed me on the mouth.

I 'm starting to hate Christmas  

I thought.

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