Chapter 2.

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"Come in!" My aunt squeals.

I follow her into the house. The floor is wood, the walls look old, and the chandelier is huge.

"Your mom and I are going to get your bags." My father tells me.

As soon as my parents leave the doorway my aunt turns to me and says,"Oh my gosh Kenz! I am so happy you'll be living with me! I have always wanted a child and you know how bad my luck is with guys."

"Well I am happy to be living with you too!" I fake a smile.


A few hours later my parents finally leave. I go exploring the house. I find a basement and an attic.

"Kenzie? Kenz, where are you?" my aunt calls for me.

"I'm upstairs!" I yell back.

"Start unpacking sweetie. Oh, my friend is coming by in a bit."

I walk to my new room. The walls are white and all the furnishing is black. I have a small walk in closet. The window is facing the backyard which has a pool and behind the pool is a forest. I push all the boxes that are labeled 'clothes' to the closet.

About an hour later the doorbell rings.

"Kenzie, please get the door!" my aunt yells from downstairs.

I run downstairs and open the door.


"Hi! I'm Maura!" the lady introduces herself.

"Maura, come in! This is my neice, Kenzie." my aunt says from behind me.

"Hi." I shyly smile at the women.

The next hour is spent by my aunt and her friend talking about random stuff. I learned that this Victorian style house was bulit in 1923 and the owner who also built the house killed his family before killing himself.

"So Kenzie, How old are you?" Maura ask me.

"Sixteen, almost seventeen."

"Oh, you would have been in Niall's level. He would have liked you, you remind me of him." Maura tells me.

"Who is Niall? What do you mean he would've liked me and how do I remind you of him?" I ask.

"Niall is- was my son. He commited suicide almost a year ago." She replies, ignoring my questions.

"Oh. I am sorry for your loss." I apologize.

"It's okay love. Your eyes remind me of his. You are shy but speak up when someone talks to you." She half smiles.

"What did Niall look like?" I ask my aunt after Maura left.

"He was a brunette but he started bleaching his hair when he was twelve. He was shy, but popular. He loved to sing. He could make anyone laugh. His laughter was contagious and he was just a charming guy. Everyone was shocked when he commited suicide." My aunt answered me.


My aunt picks me up from my first day at my new school and just like a parent she ask a shitload of questions.

"How was your first day? Make any friends? What about boys? Do you like your classes and your teachers?"

I laugh," woah aunt Amy, slow down with your questions. It was okay. A few. No one special or worth talking about. Yes I do."

Truth is my first day sucked and everyone gave me weird looks. That's probably because I wore a band tee shirt and dark blue jeans with brackets covering my scars.

"Um can we stop at the store? I need to get a few things for school." I lie.


When we get to the store my aunt hands me money and tells me she'll wait in the parking lot.

I walk straight to the school supply section and without hesitating I buy three pencil sharpners. I go to the lady working at the cash registar and hand her the money.

I get back into the car and say thanks. The rest of the drive home is quiet.

When we get home I run up to my room and shut the door behind me.I change into my pajamas and put one of the shapners in one of the desk drawers. I take the other two sharpners and carefully take the blades off of the cheap plastic. I walk into my bathroom and put the blades in a random drawer.

I make my way back into my room and take out the papers for my aunt to sign for the school. About a half hour later she is done. As I make my way back up to my room my aunt calls," Dinner will be ready in half an hour."

Once I'm in my room I walk over to the window and open the blinds. I look at the forest. Its dark, the trees are tall. There must be a good hideout somewhere.

"Hey." An unfimilar voice says.

I jump back and stare at the person standing in front of me for a few moments before speaking. This guy has blue eyes, blond hair, his roots are dark. It's obvouis he bleaches his hair. It's just like how Aunt Amy described him.

"W-who are you?" I ask knowing the answer that I don't want to hear.

"Niall." The boy smiles.

He walks over to the chair at my desk and sits down.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" I ask rather rudely.

A look of sadness comes over his face as he nods his head.

"Why'd you do it?" I question the dead boy as I sit on my bed.

"Do what?"

"Kill yourself." I reply flatly.

Niall raises his eyebrows in confusion. "I- I didn't."

"But that's what your mo- wait, how can I see you?" I ask.

"I can choose when I want to be seen and who I want to be seen by. Like if my mom, your aunt, and you were all in here and I wanted to be seen by just you, I can make it so that only you ca see me." Niall explains to me.

"And why do you want me to see you?" I begin to question Niall again.

My aunts footsteps are heard coming up the stairs.

"Because I want to help you." He quietly says.

"Help me?" I ask, whispering.

 "Kenzie, dinner is ready." My aunt calls from the other side of the door.

I turn and look at Niall. My aunt opens the door and just like that Niall is gone.

A/N: I have nothing to say so...

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