Chapter 7.

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The final bell finlly rings. I rush out of the class to get to my car so I don't have to wait in the traffic jam.

"Hey Kenzie! Do you want to get something to eat? I can tell you another story about your house or about Niall." Abbi says.

"Hi Abbi." I smile at her. "I'd love to, but I took my aunts car today and I so I need to pick her up from work. Maybe tomorrow." I lie.

"Okay, tomorrow sounds good." Abbi smiles before walking away.

By the time I get to my car, there is already a traffic jam. I get in my car and throw my bag into the back seat.

"Ouch!" Niall says.

"What the hell Niall! Why aren't you in the front? What if someone sees you back there?" I question him.

"That's why I am back here." Niall smiles at me.

"And you can't be invisible or whatever?" I ask.

Niall laughs, "well I could but you wouldn't know how to get to my moms house."

Niall directs me from the school to his moms house in less then fifteen minutes. The ride was short and quiet because the only things that were ever said were the directions that Niall was giving me. I pull up to a brick house with an old black hate around the the lawn that was very well kept.

I get out of the car and walk to the front door knocking three times, not feeling Niall's presence with me.

As the door opens a finial at voice says, "hell- oh hi Kenzie! Are you okay?"

I feel a look of confusion come across my face. "Uhm, yeah. I'm fine it's just..." I trail off because I wasn't sure what to say because I hadn't planned on anything. "Just that a few of my friends actually knew uhm, Niall? They say he was sad and stuff and well as you know I am depressed and tried committing suicide like Niall but I was wondering if you could tell me about him because I have a feeling he didn't kill himself."

Maura looks at me for a few moments before answering. "Sure love, come in. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No thanks." I smile.

I walk into Niall's old house and look around. From the outside it looks like a Victorian style house. From the inside it's like a modern styled house. There is no parlor, formal or informal dinning room, or chandlers.

The dinning room and kitchen are in the same room. The front room has a tv, a couch, a coffee table, so it's basically a family room. The bottom of the staircase is in here too.

Maura takes a seat on a lounge chair and I sit on the couch across from her.

She looks at me a few moments before speaking," So how would you like to do this?"

"I know you have already answered lots of questions about Niall and stuff, so how about you just tell me about him and if I have any questions I'll ask." I say as I feel Niall's presence in the room for the first time.

Maura nodded.

"Okay so Niall was always well liked by most people, a few people didn't really like him." She began. "Niall's main friends were Jack, Sally, Abbi, Barker, James and Baylynn."

"James?" I ask.

"James is Niall's older brother. You know the others: Jack, Sally, Abbi, Barker, and Baylynn?"

I nod to respond to Maura's question.

"Are 'Sack' and 'Bayker' still together?" Maura ask another question.

I look at her with confussion clearly writen on my face, but then it hit me. 'Sack' was Jack and Sally's ship name and 'Bayker' was Barker and Baylynn's. "Uhm, yes. Was Niall with Abbi when he was alive?" I return her qiestion with a question.

She shook her head. "No, Abbi liked Niall a lot but he only liked her as a friend. James liked Abbi and Niall liked Sally,so that made Abbi jealous I think."

I just nod to let her know she can continue. "James and Niall were close but Niall and his father were closer. James kind of envied Niall's relationship with their dad. Any way Niall was always happy, he loved food. He was loud and outgoing, a lot of people loved to be around him. But after Niall's dad died, Niall wasn't himself. He didn't eat as much, he had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, he began pushing people away, and I think he started cutting."

It's quiet for a few seconds so I decide to ask another question. "What do you mean you think he started cutting?"

"He started wearing clothing that wouldn't show his arms." Maura replies.

"Well maybe he wanted to hide a tattoo or something." I say to try and lighten the mood. "Anyways, what made Niall and his father closer than James. And where is James?"

I see Maura crack a smile but it is soon to be replced by a frown. "Niall and Bobby both loved football. They would watch almost every game together and even go to games with each other. Bobby would always take Niall because Niall knew all about football and James didn't know anything about football. I guess Niall was a daddy's boy and James was a mummy's boy. And to answer the second part of your question, I do not know. I wasn't home when Niall died, but I know James was home when I left and when I got back, he wasn't here and Niall was dead. I haven't seen him since."

"Have you talked to him in any way?" I ask.

She sighs, "No I haven't. He has been ignoring my calls, my messages, text, emails, everything. The last time I heard from him was a letter he left before leaving Mullingar."

Maura gets up and walks into a room that I haven't noticed. It sounds like she is opening a few drawers and going through a few folders so maybe it is an office.

A few minutes later Maura comes back handing me a note.

A/N: What do you think the note is going to say? So far, who do you think killed Niall?

Well i am back from vacation so more frequent updates i guess yayyyy.

i hate doing this, but please tell your friends about this storyyyy.

Follow me on twitter? @mashtonmuffin

Sorry for the boring chapter and kind of long authors note...

Anypoop, peace out girl scouts. Vote, comment, and read on. (< i think that's how it went)


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