Chapter 5.

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"Aunt Amy, What was Niall like?" I ask at the dinner table.

"What do you want to know and why do you want to know about him?" My aunt replies to me.

I take a bite of the steamed white rice before answering my aunt. "Like his personalty. What was his view on life, was he happy? And stuff like that. My friends were talking about him at school today so I am just wondering."

I feel Niall's eyes on me across from the table. He is invisable to everyone because he still hasn't figured out how to be see by one person with more than one person in the room.

My aunt has thinks a minute before answering. "He was outgoing. Shy at first but once you got to know him, he never shut up. He had friends, he had enemies. He was popular and well liked but he didn't hang out with the 'popular' crowd. He was smart, sarcastic, and funny. He was very happy until..."

"Until what?" I ask after my aunt doesn't continue.

"Well when he was fourteen his dad died in a car crash. His brother left for school in London short after their fathers death. They never really heard from James. Niall was super close to his dad and brother and when he lost both of them, they were like a part of him. I guess when he lost them, he lost a part of himself. He changed. He wasn't as happy as he used to be, but he was still happy. He slowly started getting happier and happier and becoming more like his old self as the years went on. But when he started his second to last year of secondary school and he realised he'd have to leave all that he had left, his mum, he become sad again. In the middle of last year was when they started looking at diffrent universities. And that is when he killed himself."

"Oh. That's... horrible. It sounds like he went through a lot. I wish I knew him." I say.

Aunt Amy nods with tears in her eyes and I can't feel Niall in the room anymore

"I'm going to do my homework." I tell my aunt, knowing Niall is in my room.

When I get to my room I see Niall looking outside the window. I quietly walk over to him and place my hands over his eyes.

"Kenz, I saw you from the reflection of the window." Niall says with a smirk on his face.

I pout. Niall grabs my wrist leading me to my bed. He sits down and pulls me with him. We sit criss cross applesauce facing each other.

"So... What do you think about what your aunt said?"

I think for a minute about what my aunt said.

"Maybe you really were depressed but you didn't accept the fact that you were for some reason and you hid it really well. Then when you commited suicide, everyone was shocked." I shrug.

Niall just stares at me.

"But my aunt said you had enemies, so you never know. I can ask you mom to see pictures from your birth to your autopsy. I think I might be able to tell if you cut to deep or cut a vein, shot yourself, or stabbed yourself." I tell him.

"And what makes you think you know more than the coroner?" Niall questions me.

"Because I am the darkness." I mock him. 

"Fine. I'll take you to my house- I mean my old house tomorrow." He sighs.


"Hey Aunt Amy, I forgot to tell you but I need to be at school a little bit earlier to talk to one of my teachers about an assignment." I tell my aunt.

"Okay take the car, love." My aunt says.

I knew she was going to say that. "Are you sure? How will you get to work?" I ask.

"I'll call one of my coworkers."

I smile, "Thanks! You're the best. Love you, bye!"

I run out of the kitchen, up the stairs to my room. "Niall, what are you doing in my bed? Ghost don't sleep. Besides you're coming to school with me."

"W-what?" He stutters.

"You'll be invisible. I'll be able to feel your pressence." I tell him.

Niall gets out of my bed and I grab my bag off the chair of the desk. You can't see the front door from the kitchen so Niall and I walk out with the chance of his spirit being seen. After I shut the front door we walk off the porch to the car parked in the driveway. Niall opens the driver door, gets in, then climbs over to the passenger seat. I get in and shut the door. I turn to look at him and I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" Niall innocently ask.

"Why couldn't you just walk around to the other side of the car?" I return a question.

"Um maybe because two car doors would've been heard and that would be suspicous." Niall says and rolls his eyes.

"I could have put my bag in the back seat. Duh!" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Are you going to school or what?" Niall says trying to sound annoyed but burst into a fit of laughter.

I throw my bag into his lap. I put the key into the ignition and back out of the driveway.

"Ow." Niall says.

"You're stupid." I laugh at him.

"How am I stupid?" He pouts.

"You can't feel physicaly."

"So that doesn't mean it can't hurt!" He shoots back.

We look at each other and start laughing at his stupid remark.

The rest of the car ride is silent. A few minutes later I pull into the almost empty parking lot and Niall turns invisible. I grab my bag off the passenger seat and get out. I lock my car and start walking towards my first period with the feeling of Niall following me.

"Kenzie!" Someone shouts.

I turn around and see Sally walking towrds me.

"Um hi." I say more like a question.

"Hey." Sally smiles. "So is your name Mckenna or MaKenzie or something?"

"Nope. It's Kenzie. Just Kenzie." I anwer her question.

"Oh well that's cool! Um well since you're still kind of new here, do you want to have lunch with my me and my friends?"

"Um sure." I force a smile.

"Okay well since we have fourth period together, we can walk to my table together." Sally says.

"Okay thanks. I have to go. I'll see you later." I tell her, walking away from her before she can say anything else.

I get to the bathroom and lock the door.

Niall appears. "What the hell was that?" He harshly whispers.

"I don't know! But remember she used to be your friend so if I'm 'friends' with her, I get some information about you. I'm doing this for you Niall because of our little plan!" I whisper-yell.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you getting hurt by her or any of my old friends." Niall says softly.

"It's okay Ni."

Niall grabs my hands, pulling me closer to him. I fall into his chest and wrap my arms around his shoulders. He wraps his around my waist. We stay like that for a few seconds. Niall presses his lips on the top of my head and lets go of my waist.

"Let's do this poo." He smirks, making my stomach turn.

I never knew a ghost could give me so many things to feel...

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