Chapter 9.

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I wake up and find myself in an unfamilair room and a few unfamilair people exept one.

"Where am I?" I ask.

Everyone in the room turns and looks at me and a few people come running up to me. "The hospital. Do you remember what happened?" One of the doctors answers me.

I look down and see my left arm all bandaged up. "I cut?" I say but it came out more as a question.

"Yes, too deep. You lost a lot of blood." Another doctor answers me.

"Is she alright?"

"Aunt Amy, I'm fine." I sigh and her eyes light up.

"Well she seems to be fine. Kenzie, fill out these papers and push the button when you are done. We'll all be outside the door if you need anything." The doctors leave the room and so does my aunt.

Full name: Kenzie Addams (no middle name)

DOB (mm/dd/yyyy): 04/14/1997

Age: sixteen

Guardian(s): Amy Canel

Occupation: Student

Country: Ireland

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Blue

I pushed the button that I was told to push when I finished answering the questions. A few seconds later a man comes into the room. "Hello Kenzie, I'm Doctor Gallagher." He introduces himself. The doctor looks familar but I can't put my finger on it.

"So, why did you cut?" the doc ask as if it were a normal question.

I thought for minute. I couldn't tell him about the voices, they might send me to a mental facility. And I definitely couldn't tell them about Niall. I would have to explain that he's a ghost and then they would send me to a mental facility. What's another excuse? Pills.

"I forgot to take my antidepressants." I half lie. I didn't forget to take them, I just been so happy because Niall. I didn't need to take them. But when he was the reason I collapsed, well you know how that went.

"Okay, well make sure you take them from now on. Okay?"

"Okay." I reply.

He shoots me a familiar smile and then it hits me. I know who he is.


I'm sitting in bed watching a movie when my phone lights up.

Abbi: Hey, are you okay? Why weren't you at school today? I picked up your classwork and homework. Do you want me to bring it over?

Me: Yeah, I was really dehydrated last night and I fainted . Yes please.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings and my aunt screams," Kenzie, it's for you!" I rush downstairs and Abbi is standing in the doorway.

 "Hi Abbi!" I greet her. "Thanks for doing this, you didn't have to."

She hands me the paper and smiles. "I know, but you are my friend. I hope you feel better. See you tomorrow." She walks back to her car and I shut the door.

"Abbi, huh?" My aunt ask.

"Ugh, Yeah?" I reply.

"She liked Niall, Maura's son." She says.

I just nod. "Well, I'm going to start catching up on all the work I missed." I say and start running up the stairs before my aunt can say anything else.

A few minutes later I'm sitting on my bed, doing my work and I feel someone's pressence. I don't have to look up to know who it is. When I don't look up he speaks, "Hey."

For a ghost being in the same room as me, it is awfully hot. "What do you want?" I spat as I take of my jacket.

"I came here to apalogi- Kenzie what happened to your arm?" Niall says.

"What does it look like?" I roll my eyes.

"Wh- why did you do this?" He ask, earning a glare from me. "Oh my god Kenz! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that. I'm just so tired of people thinking that my own brother killed me or that I killed myself. I shouldn't have compared us because you're right. I was depressed I just wouldn't allow myself to admit that. Please forgive me."

"I'll forgive you..." I say and Niall's eyes light up. "If you believe what I'm about to tell you." Niall nods. I exhale a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "Your brother is back in town. Doctor Gallagher, he was one of my doctors. Do you believe me?"

Niall's mouth made a perfect o shape when I told him his brother is back in town. He looked at me for a few seconds then nodded. "Yes Kenz, I believe you."

"Then I forgive you." I reply.

A/N: Sorry for the short/ boring chapter... Well this fanfic is only going to have about 20 chapters. So it's almost half finished, if not already half finished. I've already started my Calum Hood fanfic so yeah..

WHO DO YOU THINK KILLED NIALL??? why is james back?!?! O.o

Sorry this is short. I promise next two chapters will be longer and if they arent you can hurt me. Okay? okay. (<-- i am NOT quoting John Green people... he quoted me!)

okay well peace out girl scouts.

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