It Feels Like Magic

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Evelyn's POV

Today was an ordinary day. The only thing that could be called unusual is that I got a strange letter this morning. It never said anything about who had written it, and it had no return address. I had just assumed it was a joke.

"Hey Evelyn!" a voice behind me squealed. I turned around to see Jessica Becker running toward me. She gave me a squeeze. I let the moment last for a bit, then pulled away. "Jessie, you have to stop scaring me like that."

"Sorry," Jessica said. "I just really needed to see you. Something super weird happened this morning," she said. "And since you're so good with logic and puzzles and all that stuff, I thought, why not ask Evelyn?"

I felt my cheeks turn bright pink. "I'm not that good," I said. "But I do think I can help you with the...thing you were asking about."

"Oh, really?" Jessica asked. "Thanks!! Okay, so you're probably wondering what it was. So, I got a really strange letter and a postcard this morning, and I was wondering-"

I heard footsteps behind us. We both turned around and saw a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes walking toward us. She spread out a towel and sat down."Hi Madison," Jessica said. "Evelyn, this is Madison!" Madison gave me a little wave. Then she turned to Jessica. "You were talking about a strange letter you got?"

"Yes, and that's exactly what I was wondering," a voice said. We all turned to see another girl, this time with blonde hair and blue eyes. This was Leah. Leah was a master of sneakiness. She used this to her advantage.

"Okay, so if we all got this letter, it's definitely not a prank," Madison said. "Then that leaves one possibility: it's real. But me? Have powers? Um, we're just normal people."

I looked at the horizon. I mulled over all the possibilities. If this was not a joke, and it was real, what was the postcard for? And what kind of powers were these? All kinds of questions flooded my mind. Just then, a huge wave crashed over the sea and onto the beach, drenching everyone.

"I just have one question," Leah said shakily. "What just happened?!"

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