Chapter 6

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I awoke the next day to a little sun filtering in through the small hole in my hut. I had survived the bloodbath, and the night. My stomach was rumbling and I needed to find some water. I creeped out of my hut slowly-checking for any signs of other people. Then I heard the sounds of snapping sticks. I froze in my spot then crept around to the back of my hut where I could just barely peek out through some shrubs and undergrowth. I saw a girl.

She looked like she had food!Food that she had probably caught! I saw her bend down, still holding her kill in her left hand. I realized it was a squirrel.I sat down quietly on my knees careful not to make any sound. The girlwent around picking up sticks, snapping them and making a teepee type shape. Then she lit it on fire with a flint!She had a flint! Smoke started to pour upwards and the girl smiled, looking proud of herself. Then she scewered the squirrel on a stick and began to cook it over the fire. The smell wafted towards me and made my mouth water. I put my hands over my stomach to try to keep it from making noises. I assumed she was done cooking it because she wrapped it up in who knows what and put it under some undergrowth. That's when they came.

The Pack. They stormed in on the girl, making a circle around her. The Pack consisted of Cato, Glimmer, Clove and Marvel. At this point I was starting to wonder where Peeta was. Surely if he had died I would have heard the cannon.

"Awww look at Four, she's making a fire!"Glimmer said brattily. I could hear the smirk on her face. Yes. Hear it.

"Four, are you just trying to get yourself killed?"Marvel asked. He had a spear in his hand. Cato had a sword. Clove had knives and Glimmer had a bow and arrows. Marvel started bouncing the spear in his hand absently.

"I-I,"the girl from four began but Glimmer yelled,"Shut.Up!" She walked over and pushed the girl down on the ground. The girl just sat there staring at them. Run!Run!I thought.

Glimmer and Marvel started laughing.So did Cato and Clove. Cato. The boy who had helped me with the bow. I covered my mouth with my hands to keep from screaming,'Run!Run Four run!' Marvel stood at the girl's head. Glimmer stood at the girl's feet.

"What are we going to do to this one?"Glimmer asked sitting on the girl's legs."Clove?Would you like to decorate for us?" The word decorate sounded evil.

"I'll let you two enjoy your fun,"Clove said crossing her arms.

"Cato?Would you like to finish her off or can I?"Marvel asked. He looked happy. I could see the evil smile on his face. It made me sick. I realized I was going to watch a girl die. And oddly enough, I couldn't look away. Atleast not yet.

"Have your fun for now Marvel,"Cato said shrugging. I sat there frozen with fear as Marvel said,"Glimmer pin her arms, and keep her legs down."

Glimmer obeyed and smiled evily at the poor girl. "Nighty Night Four,"she said. The way she said it made me get the goosebumps.

That's when Marvel raised his spear and thrusted down. Also when I covered my eyes. I could hear the girl scream once then stop. Then scream again. Stop. Scream again. Stop. Then she was silent and the sound of a cannon split the air.

I heard the sound of footsteps start to move away and heard Marvel and Glimmer laughing. I peeked up through my fingers as they walked right by where I was. I made eye contact with Cato and I knew I was gone for. But he just looked away like he hadn't seen anything and the group kept walking. I stayed curled up in a little ball on the ground crying silent tears. I heard the Mockingjays screetch one warning note and a hovercraft appeared and took the girl's body away.

 I don't know how long I was like that but I finally got the courage to move again when my stomach rumbled. I remembered the girl's squirrel. I almost felt bad for taking it but I was so hungry and I couldn't let it go to waste. I slowly peeked up from under the undergrowth and made sure the coast was clear before dashing over to where the girl's fire had been. I guess the wind from the hovercraft had put it out. I rummaged around for a while under the bushes when I found a rolled up something or other. I recognized it as the thing that the girl had wrapped the squirrel in. I hurriedly rushed back to my little hut and crawled inside it. Then I unrolled the thing, realizing it was a thermal blanket. Another thing to keep me warm. I took the squirrel out gently. It had been skinned and cooked all the way through.

I pulled off some of the meat and put it into my mouth. It tasted amazing. I had a leg and told myself to stop. I had to save it for later. I was parched. I needed to find water. I put the squirrel in my backpack and left it in my hut. I grabbed the water jug and cleansing kit and backpack and then went out carefully to find water.

I had searched for what seemed like hours. My mouth felt like it was full of sand. I was starting to get light headed and dizzy. I looked around knowing that if someone came and found me I would be dead. I remembered that you could get sponsors.

"Haymitch please. I need water,'I whispered hoping that there was a camera on me right now. I had no clue where Peeta was. I sat down by a tree and put my head in my hands. I was completely silent and I just listened. I thought I heard something. It sounded hopeful.

I carefully made my way towards it. I then saw the stream. I almost broke down and cried. I went to the bank and filled the jug up with water. Then I put in what I thought was the right amount of purifying stuff and waited a half an hour. I Then drank the entire jug full of water then filled it again and repeated again after that. Then I filled it one last time and purified it and put the jug in my backpack. I then made the trek back to my hut.

When I got back to it, I crawled inside to find the other twelve year old girl named Rue, curled up and sleeping.

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