Chapter 7

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I didn't know what to do. She was sleeping so soundly. I ended up deciding to let her sleep and go check and see if my traps cought anything. I spread most of my traps out, hoping I would catch a lot of animals, but I only cought one. When I came back into my hut, She was awake. She was staring wide-eyed at me, motionless.

I finally said, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you."

She let out a little sigh and replied, "Thanks. I'm Rue. I already know your name is Primrose. I'm sorry for intruding, but, the careers were right on  my tail, and this hut blends in. I didn't get any sleep last night, and I was so tired and-"

"It's ok." I said. "I've been looking for an ally anyway."

She smiled.

"So I have two squirrels, one of them is already cooked, but I don't know how to cook the other one without someone finding us." I said holding them both up. I had sat down next to her.

She thought for a second. "I know! I saw a tracker jacker nest a while ago, we can cook it by the tree so the careers can come to it, them cut down the hive on top of them."

"That's a great idea, but I can't climb a tree." I said, looking a little sad.

"But I can." She said. I smiled really big.

"Then we'll set out in the morning. This squirrel will hold us till then." I said and we ate the rest of the squirrel. Tracker jackers are the most deadly insect in the world. Their sting is extremely venemous. If you get stung, you will have large bumps where they sting you and you will hallucinate. I would not want to get stung by those. I went back out to set my traps back up when someone was holding a squirrel my trap had cought. It was Peeta!

"Peeta!" I said and ran towards him. I wrapped my arms around him. "Finally I found you-" I said stopping in my sentence. It wasn't Peeta, It was Cato.

"I-I gotta go" I said and turned to run away, but he grabbed my arm and pinned me down. He covered my mouth with his other hand.

"Listen to me, Prim. I'm not going to hurt you. But I need new allies. Someone has to kill the rest of the Pack, but I can't do it with all of them around me the whole time. Can you just do me a favor, and I promise I won't let you get hurt. Now I'm going to let go of your mouth, but you can't scream, ok?" He asked. I nodded and he let go. I had to think for a  second.

"What could I do to kill them?" I asked. "Wait, I know! But, I don't fully trust you, so stay right here." I told him. I couldn't have him following me back to my hut. But, also by the time I would come back, he could have gotton his pack and they would all be waiting to kill me. I guess I would just have to trust him. I quickly darted through the undergrowth and to the hut.

"Rue!Rue!"I gasped drawing in air.

"What what happened?"she asked me her brown eyes wide.

"I was out checking some of the traps when I saw who I thought was Peeta so I said Peeta!Then I ran over to him and gave hima hug but it ended up being Cato and he grabbed me and put a hand over my mouth and said that he wanted to be allies because he wanted to get rid of the reest of the Pack. He said that he wasn't going to hurt us. But I didn't tell him about you. So now I want to get your take. I think I have an idea for being able to have Cato kill the rest of the Pack. I'm going to give him some Nightlock berries."I rambled not letting her cut me off to talk.

"So Cato wants to ally with us?"Rue said."I think we should. And the nightlock is a good idea."

"Okay good. I'm glad you agree with me."I said. I crawled over to my backpack and took out some Nightlock. I looked at my stash of it. There wasn't alot so I decided to take a little and hope that I could find some bushes. I found a little bag in Rue's pack and she said I could use it. So I put the berries in the little bag.

"I'm going to meet with Cato now. Can you stay here to keep watch?"I asked. Rue nodded and I took the few berries and on the way back to finding Cato I found a Nightlock bush. I picked some more and then found him a few minuites later.

By the time I got back to him, I had been almost an hour. Luckily he was still there.

"Here." I said holding out the nightlock that was in the bag I had brought."Will this work?They're nightlock. Extrememly deadly. They say that you'll be dead before they even reach your stomach."

"Perfect." He replied. "I can tell them I found berries for everyone. Thanks, Prim. Do you want to meet here at the same time tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. I had to smile a little. Haymich said even Peeta couldn't make allies, and I already have two! Cato and Rue. Cato had the muscle and smarts. Rue was quick and a good on the spot thinker. I was happy but then I realized that at some point someone would have to die from my little ally pack.

*                                                                               *                                                                  *

That night,I was almost asleep and I heard a cannon. Both Rue and I sat up, startled. Then we looked through the hold and the names and pictures of the fallen were projected in the sky. Only Glimmer, the girl from one, and the girl from four was in the sky. Then the sky went dark again. Only 14 more left.

The next morning, Rue and I went out to fullfill our plan with the tracker jackers. I didn't understand, though. Cato had said he would give the berries to everyone in his pack. I had told Rue what happened while we were walking. She didn't know either, but they would all hopefully be dead by the time the tracker jackers fall.Once we got to the tracker jacker hive, it was already on the ground. Someone must have knocked it down. I wondered why though. But, Rue found my answer. The honey. Tracker jackers make the most sweet honey. I've only had it once because Katniss traded in a whole deer for it. It was the most delicious thing in the world. Rue and I both approached it. There were no tracker jackers in or around the hive, luckily. There was only a little bit of honey in it left, so we ate it on our walk back. On our way back, there was the sound of a cannon. I hoped it wasn't Cato because it was time to go meet him.

Sure enouph, he was still in the same spot as last time. He told me that when he brought the berries back,Glimmer was so hungry, she took them all out of his hands and shoved them in her mouth. He played it off like he had no idea they were nightlock, and everyone believed him. He told them he was going to go look for more food, but actually he was going to come meet me.He also told me he was going to plan to go off on his own.

"Don't worry about that." I told him. "You can stay with me and Rue in our hut." I trusted him now because he actually did what he told me he would do. So I led him to my hut. Rue was surprisingly ok with it. We had to expand the hole a little bit, but other wise it was perfect.

I haven't seen Peeta since the bloodbath. I wanted to go out and find him, so Cato said we could all go tomorrow. Rue ended up deciding to cook the squirrel by the tracker jacker nest anyway because it wasn't close to our hut. We all had equal parts of the squirrel and we were all tired. It had been cold nights so far, luckily there was plenty of body heat in our hut, and we all shared the blanket. We all stared up at the sky when they projected the names of the fallen. There was three people and it was the girl from 10, the girl from 4, and Glimmer. I know how Glimmer and the girl from 4 died, but I didn't know how the girl from 10 died. She probably died of the coldness of the night and no shelter or blanket. I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't fell bad for her if I was tring to win. 12 more to go.

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