Chapter 4

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Sorry I'm late finally finished my exams...




Harry found himself back at the bar after getting into a heated argument with Niall again. That man was just bloody impossible! How dare Niall fucking throw a nice looking vase at him. Luckily for Harry, he was swift enough to dodge the flying thing. 

He took another sip of his beer. He cannot wait to get back to London. People respected him there and he had millions of adoring fans. And far away from that crazy blonde. 

Over here he was back as a nobody. 

No one cared about how successful you are. All they cared was about how the potatoes grow and how cold it was. 

They didn't have a life. They didn't know there was something bigger outside this farming town. 

“Everyone its Harry Styles. He’s back!”  

Before he knew it, a small crowd surrounded by some familiar faces had surrounded him. 

“What are you doing back here lad?” 

“How is London?” 

Harry let out a ghastly laugh. He could feel the alcohol in his body. He was stressed at doing nothing in the bloody town. He needed something to drown all his problems.

“You ask me how is London?” he slurred. 

“London is bloody great. London is the most exciting place in the world!” 

“Not like this stupid town. I’ve left this place for almost a fucking decade and none of you changed! Nothing in this fucking town changed” 

“You guys still work as silly little farmers working on your silly potatoes and carrots. You don’t know there is a whole wonderful life outside this bloody town. Have you even been to Australia, its all warm and sunny!” 

The small crowd dispersed and some had begun throwing curses at him. Someone actually threw a can of beer at Harry’s head but missed. 

“Who the fuck did that? Need I remind you, I am fucking famous!” Harry yelled. 

“Boo! Go back to where you fucking came from you tosser!” 

“Famous dick head you are!” 

“Enough Harry!” Harry turned around and saw an angry looking Niall. Harry shot him a grin and wrapped his arms around the blonde lad’s shoulder. This was his first time touching Niall in a long time. Even though he was tipsy, he could still feel jolts of electricity passing through his body as they contacted. 

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