Chapter 5

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All while driving back to Liam’s place he kept thinking about what had happened between him and Niall that night. When Niall handed him the envelope he looked like he was seconds away from crying. The man looked so hurt that all Harry wanted to do was hold his husband in his arms again like last time until all the pain went away. He can’t believe Niall actually let him go. 

That stupid Irish leprechaun  actually let Harry go. 

Didn’t he love him? 

When he entered the house, Liam was in his usual spot sitting opposite the warm fireplace drinking tea. 

“Evening Harry! How’d the carnival go mate?” 

“Hey Liam.” 

“How was your day Harry?”. 

“Great. Niall finally signed the papers.” Harry threw the folded envelope on the small coffee table in front of Liam. The singer plopped down on the chair beside him and let out a long sigh. They stayed silent for a few minutes, just staring at the dancing flame. Liam had known Harry for too long to know that something was bothering him. 

Liam took a deep breath and exhaled. “Wow he really did it didn’t he.” 

“Yeah. Can’t believe it myself.”

Liam took another deep breath and exhaled. 

 Harry cocked an eyebrow. “Liam is there something wrong?” 

“Harry I think you need to know something about Niall” the lad explained. Harry instantly grew attentive at what his friend have to say. 

“When you first left, Niall was completely heartbroken. He cried so much. He was a complete mess.He kept on saying it was his fault that you left. He wasn’t a good husband to you. ”

“He would not come out of the house for weeks. One day, the poor lad got back together, started working like a mad man to save enough money to go to London to get you back!”

“Poor lad worked two jobs just to pay off for the trip”

“He came to London to search for me?” Harry’s voice trembled. He was shocked by what he was hearing.  

Liam nodded. “When he finally got there, he saw that you were already this famous singer. The poor lad was so happy for you he did not have the heart to take you away from it. So he came back empty handed.” 

“That bloody Irish even went to your concert in Belfast one time. He kept on saying all week you sounded so good at the concert and looked so happy and was bloody proud of his husband. It was ridiculous!” 

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