Chapter 8

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Harry and Louis decided to drive the following day to Dublin to meet up with Zayn. Louis noticed that the curly haired singer stayed silent throughout their drive. 


“Write any good songs Harry?” asked Louis. 


All Louis got from a reply from the singer was a cross between a huff and uh. 


“Are you excited to meet Zayn again?” 

Harry stayed silent. 

“Well I reckon you two are gonna have lots of hot sex. I mean absence makes the heart fonder doesn’t it?” joked Louis wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Hmm" replied Harry. 

"Okay I give up. Continue to stay in silence.” 

They continued their drive in silence. Half way through, Louis turned on the radio half way during the trip and begun singing on top of his lungs to old songs playing on the radio. He reckoned the singer was obviously too depressed to entertain him. He never seen Harry this depressed.

“I personally cannot wait to plan this wedding. I can imagine it being cream coloured with really ornamented details based on Zayn’s heritage.” 

“I can just imagine how good you two will look wearing tuxedos. Where do you guys reckon you will have your honeymoon? Spain? France? Bahamas?” 

Harry stayed silent. 

Last night in bed, he told himself he was going to marry the man of his dreams.  But somehow he just could not believe what he was telling himself. Well, he was married to the man of his dreams. Was… 

After reaching Dublin, they searched the café that Zayn had asked them to meet up. There were hardly any customers. Good thing too. Harry did not want to deal with crowds of fans and photographers today.  

Harry spotted the jet black hair of his fiancé through the large windows. The man looked as gorgeous as ever. He wondered if Zayn ever had a day in his life where he wasn’t handsome.

He and Louis pushed the door open and made their way to the corner where Zayn was sitting. 

“Hello there Zayn” greeted Louis leaning forward for a hug. 

“Hello Louis. Come on guys take a seat.” 

Harry tried his best to look happy in front of his fiancé who was starring at him. 

“I missed you Harry.” 

“I miss you too Zayn” Harry leaned in across the table to kiss his fiancé. 

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