Chapter One || L

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      { Chapter I }

    I emerged from the cheap little Honda and into the winter breeze, my hair immediately whipped around my face roughly as the whispering wind blew quickly past. I slammed the door to my car shut and looked at the mansion meters away from me. The midnight moon shimmered over me, reassuring me that maybe just maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I walked to the mansion doors, snow seeping slowly through the worn down sneakers on my feet, the frosty air nipping at my stomach as it past through my ripped hoodie, and the tops of my thighs began to burn as the thin tights I had on weren't good enough to block such weather out. Why hadn't I stayed home, why did I agree to come knowing the pains I'd feel? I am utterly stupid for attending, though I swallowed everything I felt and knocked on the large doors.

    From the other side swift clicking of heels was heard from on the tiled floor within. Just moments later the door swung open showing a beautiful blonde with shinning hazel eyes, she wore a tight blue dress, accompanied with diamond jewelry, her hair was put up tidily, and her glasses sat perfectly on her face. Her name is Hannah. The woman who has everything, and though the wonderful lady in front of me is three years younger than me she's still managed to accomplish more than I ever could.

   "Ahh! Elizabeth I'm so happy to see you, are your parents with you?" Hannah asked happily her high pitched voice making my ears ring, but I couldn't let her see my lies, so I smiled a bright yet fake smile and replied with happiness and excitement that even the cleverest of people would believe. "I am thrilled to see you too dear! And unfortunately my parents will not be attending they've been," I paused thinking for a believable story, yet my mind had been cleared, and no reasonable answer came to mind. "Held up." I suddenly add once nothing else sounded legit enough. Overlooking it she smiled and walked me into the kitchen, to no surprise more wealthy people were gathered around the pristine looking kitchen. I barely knew anyone, though they all looked a lot alike, blonde. I hate blondes, they're ever so beautiful everybody loves a blonde, but a raven haired woman like me, huh, not a chance.

   "Everyone this is Elizabeth! She was my babysitter long ago even though she was only three years older than me, you know how mom is." Hannah suddenly joked causing everyone in the room to chuckle, while I held back the urge to roll my eyes. "Okay, Elizabeth, there's two people I am so very excited to introduce you too, ahhh, I am so excited!" Hannah squealed enthusiastically dragging me upstairs, my face showed joy and eagerness but within me was anxiety and frustration. I don't want to hate Hannah, but envy, jealousy, take over any other feeling towards her, leaving me hating her and her family so much just because they've had more than I've ever had.

   "Alright behind these doors are two people I adore, and I am hoping you'll adore them too." I smiled paying no mind to the ditzy woman and signaled her to open the door, with a rather dramatic inhale she opened the door revealing two men playing pool. When the door opened the two turned to Hannah and I, one of them smiled widely whilst the other did nothing. "Hello my love." The man smiling said to Hannah, the blonde quickly left my side and jumped into his arms and gave him a huge sloppy kiss, I wanted to throw up, not because she kissed him just because I hate her getting affection I can't get. "Come in Elizabeth, don't just stand there." Hannah giggled, of course another boyfriend of her's no doubt. I chuckled dryly strolling near her and her boy toy. "Damon, Lance, this is Elizabeth she's been my friend since we were twelve, right before you left Damon." Yeah, friends, whatever. I 'smiled' and waved at the two men. "Hello." I murmured. "Elizabeth, this is Lance, my fiance!" She clapped. My mouth hung open, a burning sensation running throughout my chest, this woman actually is marrying? I wanted to ball my fist and go ape shit punching her face, I'm twenty six and still have only had one boyfriend and she's marrying? I clenched my teeth and gave a toothy green. "Congrats!"

   The blonde embraced me making my body tense up, though I had to play the role so I smiled and pat her back as she cried from joy, getting her disgusting tears on my shoulder. "So Hannah, tell me the details." I mutter shoving her off me, she didn't think too much about my shove and clung to her fiancés arm before speaking. "Well it's taking place in August on a absolutely breath taking beach, it happened three weeks ago, we've been together three years now he's been busy with work so that's why you didn't hear we were dating sooner. But the real reason you're finding out now is because I wanted you and my brother to find out together." Hannah than gestured to the man who was lent against the pool table with an unsatisfied look on his face.

   He was very attractive looking, his eyes are a stunning emerald green, that accompanies his dark midnight hair very well, he was quite muscular but not extremely. I can't see more details because of the distance between us, but I could tell from here, he is a sexy man. "Brother? I thought you only had one?" I finally asked ripping my gaze away from Damon. "Nope, I have two, Damon left with my father when we were younger. Damon, from day one, was the one who was going to continue my dads business, so my father took Damon with him so he'd learn the ways of business." My mouth went in an 'O' shape as I slowly nodded, too bad I'm too ugly for him.

   Smacking another 'smile' onto my face I stuck my hand out to Damon deciding a good introduction would be, well, good. "Well it's nice to meet you, Damon." I kindly spoke, he pushed himself off the table and shook my hand, his hand was very muscular and he had a tattoo on it, unfortunately he twisted his hand so I couldn't see it and spoke causing me stare at him. "Save the fake bullshit for someone else." As it was a whisper no one had heard but me. I met eyes with him searching for more of an answer but none was really there. So he knows I am faking the excitement, the happiness?  "Nice to meet you too, Elizabeth." Damon than said louder for the others to hear, I pulled away from Damon giving him a questioning glare before completely wiping it off to turn to Lance with the same greeting, this time though, Lance was normal simply shaking my hand with a smile.

   "I do not mean to come off as rude, but Elizabeth this is quite the place to be, not to mention we are celebrating my sister engagement, so do explain why you are dressed like a ripped trash bag?" Damon questioned me with a scowl on his face. I couldn't seem to find the words, I knew I didn't look the part but does everyone else only view me as a walking trash bag? "Damon shut up, you don't understand!" Exclaimed Hannah before coming to my side, Damon scoffed at her and I, and I could easily tell he doesn't like me. Maybe it's because I am obviously poor, or maybe its because he could sense some hatred toward Hannah? "Why are you even wasting your time with this woman?" Damon snarled to his sister, in which Lance popped in. "Okay buddy calm down, what's got your balls in a twist?" Lance joked, but no one had laughed. "Nothing Lance." He sneered before leaving, that went great. "Elizabeth I am so so so sorry, I didn't know Damon was going to be so rude! I would say he's never like this but he's clearly changed over the years." She sighed looking down, I should feel bad but I felt happy, happy she felt sadness, not enough for my liking though. Yet again, if my cover is blown I'll get nothing so I must act as if I actually give a shit. "It's okay It didn't bother me too much. But I might get going soon, he is right I am walking trash." I let out a giggle laced with fakery but Hannah only shook her head and glanced at Lance. "How about this? I'll let you keep a whole outfit to wear for tonight and take home n' stuff but you've gotta stay longer than two hours." Hannah suggested raising her eyebrows with hope.

   My mind said no, yet my body said yes, just to keep something of hers may give me closer, but as I agreed and she dragged me through the mansion I could already feel the regret. The jealousy crawled up my throat as I took note of everything so nice I had never had, my chest tightened and I only yearned for some sort of release from this heavy pressure I constantly felt when in this house. The jealousy choked me, suffocated me making me only want to cry and claw at my face. It was burning jealousy. Why didn't I have anything good? I mean I don't want anything great just good! I have a shitty personality, my life has always been garbage, no man wants to date me and the one I dated started I wasn't affectionate enough, and I've always been chubby only recently lost the weight because my family was too poor to afford a meal! How, how is this fair? "Alright Elizabeth, choose anything you'd like." She smiled showing off her clothes. I grinned evilly, but she was too naive to see it, poor girl, doesn't know a thing, not a single thing.

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