Chapter Three || V

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   { Chapter III }

    The room was unwelcomingly silent and nothing could tear my gaze away from his as it was the most calm yet controlling look I've ever seen. "Do you believe in love?" He questioned putting the appliances away, that was a strange question. "Well, I don't believe in 'love at first sight' and I don't believe you can love someone without liking a few people before that." I explained standing up, though my body felt weak and the feeling of being pathetic once more arose. "Hm, why's that?" I shrugged despite him not facing me, do I have to explain my actions, it's painful enough to be in his presence knowing he views me as a peasant. "Because, I guess if you like someone a lot without dating/liking anyone before you're going to think you're in love with that person. You need to experience more instead of jumping to conclusions, after all it's like saying I love you, that's impossible, which could also fall into 'love at first sight', if you're simply basing your judgement off the persons, looks that is wrong. You need to know the person deeper, in his or hers purest form, and even after knowing each worse flaws still be able to love them the same you did before."

  He groaned before walking to me, his steps echoed around the room and each step felt like daggers to my newly formed headache. "Do you believe that a person can fall in love with another person just through sexual activities?" Was he suggesting something or was this me over thinking things as I always do? "Well, maybe, sex is a form of bonding with a person so why not." Damon's low bellow sent shivers down my spine and I flashed a worried glance up at him, as his tall self, loomed menacingly over my figure. "Alright darling, here's the deal. You'll be my pet, my sex slave, you'll spend all day and everyday by my side assisting me with work and whatever else I require. I'm required to be married to a woman soon, just as my sister was required to marry, if you manage to make me see anything in you, even the tiniest bit of lust toward you doesn't have to necessarily be love, either or, if you make me feel lust or love toward you I'll marry you, you'll have the riches and luxury you've craved all your life. If you fail to assist me in work or pleasure and if you don't successfully make me feel anything toward you, I'll tell Hannah how you truly feel about her and command her stop giving you that 'allowance.'" Damon's words were carefully picked as if he had wanted some sort of toy for awhile but couldn't find a desperate enough whore to do it, now that he has, he's taking advantage. I couldn't refuse i could have a sugar daddy right here right now, and all I have to attempt to do is make him fall in love with me, or crave the taste of me. Though I can't even make normal people like me never mind this controlling douchebag, but worth a try, I suppose the only thing I have to lose is the allowance Hannah pays me every now and again but that might end any due to the marriage.

I swallowed hard bringing myself from my debate, I looked up at him making sure this wasn't some scam, was I actually agreeing to be his personal fuck me toy? "Deal." I whispered sticking my hand out, which he gleefully shook, sealing the deal. "Great, heres the details darling, you're going to sleep when I sleep, eat when I eat, leave the mansion when I leave, do as I say you do, and you're not going home anytime soon." I winced slightly at that sharp ending 'you're not going home anytime soon', surely there isn't much to worry about at least with my parents but the freedom to see my friends that often come by my home, that's like ripping each individual finger nail off painfully and slowly. "Alright. Do I sleep in the same bed?" I questioned and he chuckled as if it was obvious. "We're going to be smashing each other yet sleep in separate beds? Now what sense does that make? Exactly none, you'll sleep in the same bed Elizabeth." I nodded, I can't believe I did this to myself, I'm giving my body to a man who may betray me in the end, my innocence is going to be taken by a man who has treated me like horse dung in the few hours we've known each other.

   There's no way out, I'm trapped now within these mansion walls with a man who lusts for a desperate whore who was only friends with a girl for her riches. "How long do I have?" I finally spoke trancing the gauze with my finger, he hummed for a moment. "Maybe a month or two. My father wants me married quick but since I'm not one to fall in love I'll give you time." He acted as though he were some sorta god, a higher power than I, yet he is. In his eyes I'm nothing more than a peasant, or as he said a ripped trash bag. "Well, now that we've got our agreement settled, should we join the rest downstairs? And I mean you have no choice, you're to follow behind like the bitch you are." Grabbing my wrist roughly, he dragged me out the door, and though every fibre in my body wanted to grant him a slap in the face for treating me like this, I couldn't. The voices inside myself consumed me more and more, they continued to chant the same lines over and over making it a sick symphony, ever so pathetic, she's ever so pathetic. Of course I knew this, I knew it all to well but I didn't need the voices stuck on repeat.

   "You do realize I will have to let everyone know we're together right?" He stated, well I mean of course, it'd be ever so suspicious if we were to be together 24/7 for a whole month without a reason as to why. "Okay, I understand that. But you're not gonna mention our deal, and the, um, things we'll be doing?" I asked hopefully as I stared at my wrist which was still locked within his strong grip. "Are you retarded why would I ever mention that to them? Of course our sex life to them will be as obvious as day when they see the strange marks on your body, and when you're limping because of how badly I've wrecked you." I cringed, sure the way he spoke those smooth words with his husky voice is in no doubt seductive but something about the fact he's making me do this, well not fully making me I guess. "You're so disgusting, I saw the intent in your eyes when you looked at my sister, hatred. You despise my sister and my family because we are rich and successful while your family is poor and sad, almost living on the streets." Cruel bastard, it intrigues me how he could just read me like an open book when others around me were only able to look at the title. Intriguing but frustrating, as he looks as though he knows almost every single thing about me where as I know squat about him. As we pass down each hall almost identical to the last his grip on my wrist became less harsh and I was no longer being dragged behind him, but walking alongside him. I knew it was for the fear of being questioned after all, if he's gonna simply state we're 'dating' than it'd be strange to see him forcefully pull me around.

   Finally, we were once again in the kitchen, where Hannah, Lance and the rest of the family hung out. Most eyes moved to Damon and I, luckily Damon let go fully of my wrist allowing us to gain some distance. "Where were you two?" Questioned Lance as he sipped out of a glass filled with hard liquor, Damon only stared at Lance as if he was reading him too. "Elizabeth burnt her hands with hot water, I helped her bandage it." I grimaced as I watched people snort, chuckle, and laugh at my stupidity even though it didn't even happen, but it's probably more sensible than what I really had done. "Yes idiotic I know, but let's move on we all make mistakes, and if Damon wasn't such a distraction I wouldn't have done it." Kim's (Hannah & Damon's mother) head perked up and watched Damon and I with a judgemental stare. "What kind of distractions Damon?" Internally cackling at what I've seemed to get him into, I turned and looked up innocently at him fluttering my eyes, he shook his head at me angered and quickly replied to his mother. "Kim, I'm actually taking Elizabeth with me to my mansion as I intend on seeing if she's suit being my wife." Damon stated with confidence, but his face still wore that scowl. Everyone seemed to be shocked, and Hannah looked infuriated. "Damon you can't take Elizabeth, she's going to be my bridesmaid!" Just like the old times my voices seems to be taken right from me, I didn't ever agree to this nor was a told so what gives her the right to speak for me. "Fine, I'll allow you to visit her to discuss the wedding details but I am still bringing her along with me."

Kim snickered shoving her nose deeper into her book, and I could sense the harsh feedback that was about to rumble out of her mouth. "You're so handsome, smart, well dressed and wealthy, why wouldn't you pick a woman that's on the same level as you." I rung my hands together feeling a stinging sensation as I did so, sure the insult could've been worse but the fact that it holds so much truth is what hurts, if only she knew the only reason he's choosing me is for pleasure. Will I be able to even give him what he wants? Will I be a good person to have sex with or will I be an annoying chore? "Mother let's not dwell on this topic as I have made up my mind fully. I'll be taking her to see if things," Damon paused and my eyes traveled up to him, his eyes already on me, his face holding a mischievous toothy grin. "Work out." He finished looking at Kim, I could feel the rest of the quiet guest drilling there gaze into me, and as I scanned the large kitchen everyone seemed to have an envious glint in their eyes, that's a look I know all too well, a feeling I knew all too well, and to see someone else going through what I feel every second I'm here makes me want to giggle and laugh in their faces. Though I stayed quiet, and as bickered back and forth about this I stood there thinking about my freedom that I just openly gave away, as if the envy wasn't consuming enough now I've got more on my plate, and I don't even know what I am going to do about Dave, after all it's only a matter of time before he slaughters me.

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