Chapter Two || O

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   { Chapter II }

       I struggled to get myself into the dress as I haven't ever put one like this one. Once the auburn dress was on my body I slipped swiftly into the black heels that Hannah also provided me. Turning my head I glanced in the mirror, yes I was fully dressed, but my hair was still a mess. Walking back into Hannah's bedroom I smacked a smile on my face, once she caught sight of me she gawked. "Oh my god! That dress was made for you." She enthusiastically said her eyes wide and in shock, almost as if she hadn't expected me to ever look pretty. "Thank you Hannah, for everything. Though I was wondering would it be a hassle to ask for a hair brush? To brush out my 'lushes' locks?" Hannah nodded and I waited patiently as she strolled into her bathroom and messed around. "Here you are!" She smiled handing me the hair brush. "Thank you," I replied taking down my hair. "Means a lot." I add, she hummed happily. "Well, I'm going to go hangout with the family, don't want to be a rude party hostess!" I waved Hannah off with a grin and watched here leave, now I was alone with my jealousy. I walked to her bathroom and stared in the mirror.

It was like a weight on my shoulders, the rage was burning in my chest and I can't tell which is worse. I combed out my hair allowing it to fall just past my hips, it never looked pretty without it being straightened, because it's not curly, it's not wavy, it just always looks messy. Suddenly, I hissed and threw the brush at the mirror shattering it into dozens of miniature pieces around me. My chest moved up and down furiously as I panted with rage, my fist are balled and I was looking at myself through the pieces of remaining mirror, my own shameful reflection of everything I've become over the years.

  My life deescalated while Hannahs escalated, Hannah, the one who was always a whining, cheating girl. Hannah, the one who used men for money. Hannah the one who decided when I was and wasn't her friend. The one who has always had more than I. The creak of the door opening behind me brought me out of my envious rage and though I was very aware someone had entered I didn't dare move, only stared directly into the shattered pieces of glass. From what was left I could see, lucky me, that Damon was the one who had entered. "Well, I'm assuming you're going to ask what happened, make a snarky remark even? Go ahead I'm ready." I growled placing my hands on the counter while adding lots of pressure letting the glass painfully stab into my hands allowing crimson blood to leak from the new wounds. Shameful, pitiful, pathetic attempt of a human being, that's all I am.

  "What exactly happened then?" Damon enquired as he cautiously made his way into the room, Hannah's bedroom bathroom. "You wouldn't understand the whole ordeal but I'll tell you what I did has simple yet childish reasoning. But I threw the brush at the mirror, It shattered." I said slowly glancing over my shoulder to him, his cold emerald eyes met with my ocean blues, no emotion was displayed on his face, just like before. "I lost control of my anger, and actions." I added slowly removing my hands from the counter, they were covered in blood and bits of class remained in my flesh. "You're disgusting." He snarled, flashing him a glare I sighed slowly falling to the floor. "I know," I mumbled. "If only you knew what I've done more recently." I added, each word getting quieter than the last.

  My hands shook in pain as I collected the larger pieces of glass from the floor, that's when he scoffed making my stomach turn in anger. "Get up you idiot. You don't need to clean that I'll get someone to clean it and replace the mirror before Hannah sees. I don't understand why she's friends with a lowlife like yourself." I shut my eyes, clenching them as hard as I could, his words were sharp like daggers, he meant every word he said, and he knew it hurt me, but he also knew it was nothing more but the truth. Slowly I raised myself onto my feet and turned to meet his eyes, they say eyes are an entry way to the soul but it's as though his eyes held a heavy gate, a heavy gate that even if you were to open it you'd find nothing on the other side but emptiness, though I wouldn't know would I. Especially when mine are probably just as empty as his.

  "Come, I'll get your hands fixed. If anyone asks about it just say you burnt your hands on hot water." He explained leaving the bathroom, I watched his posture slowly fall with each step he took. Seems as though he's exhausted. Following Damon out I sighed and held my hands together. "As if I didn't look trashy enough, I had to go an reck my hands. I dread coming." I spoke more to myself than to him, but he turned his heel shooting a smug smile my way. "Once a piece of useless trash, always a piece of useless trash." Then, he left. Was I supposed to just follow him, allow him to call me useless than allow him to bandage my wounds? Well what else would I do, I made a deal with Hannah to stay, and quite frankly, I want this dress and these heels. So I formed my hands together, so that people couldn't see my bleeding palms and followed Damon out.

  Right outside the door is where he waited, talking to three men in a hushed voice, probably about the mirror incident. What a shameful human. "Elizabeth." Damon's husky voice sternly said, I slowly turned my head to look at him, and I did everything but try to hide my scowl. 'Elizabeth' it's like my name rolled right off his tongue perfectly, and for some reason it rung like a melody throughout my head. "Come. I said." I blinked several times and realized my idiocy with my staring. Feeling the need to emote more I slapped the fakest smile on yet making the man scoff. Damon put his hand on my lower back and pushed me through the halls until we came to a sudden stop, reaching in his pocket he pulled out a whole bunch of keys, and in a few minutes he had the exact one that was needed. He removed his hand from my back to unlock the door and once the door was open, his hand returned shoving me into the room. The room was an office, doctors office to be exact, with sickening white walls, diagrams, tables and equipment out the wazoo. Damon guided me to a seat and then left my side to close, and lock the door.

  "So what do you think about Lance?" I casually asked watching intently as he searched for medicine and gauze. "Hate him." He simply said carrying the stuff to me. He placed the gauze and peroxide on a little table and grabbed tweezers. "Do you like anyone?" I asked watching his face, he was silent but only because he was heavily concentrated on getting the glass out. He pulled one piece making me bite down on my tongue. 'Coward.' I scolded internally still staring at the mans face. He had a chiseled jaw, quite plump lips that seemed to form in a natural angered frown, his eyebrows looked ever so angry as well, ah, that's what it is. Damon doesn't have a expressionless face, he has an everlasting scowl plastered on his handsome face.

  "I don't like many people, especially women." Damon finally said pulling my hands over silver table that he'd dragged over. "You don't like women? As in you're attracted to the same sex, or as in you don't believe in women's rights these days." He snarled before pouring the acid like medicine over my hands, I whimpered but waited for a response. "I don't like women. Period. I don't like men like that though, that's revolting." I sighed. "To you it is but love is love." He chuckled rapping the cloth over my hands carefully. "I don't believe in love, destiny, fate, it's all bullshit. The real world is something scary and I don't have time for pestering women like yourself getting in the way. I mean look what you've made me do, and I barely know you."

  "Damon, I didn't ask anything of you, at all. You did it yourself." I sneered, his eyes once more met mine, almost as if both our eyes were magnets connecting with each other, like we couldn't help but look at the same time. "Want to make a deal with me?" He questioned a malicious twinkle within his eyes, and it pulled me in, almost daring me to say the words: "Yes." And I did, his reaction was nothing but good and I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into.

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