Coffee shop

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I wake up really needing coffee and we were all out. I sigh. I drag my feet over to my closet. I put on a grey shirt with black leggings and my high top converse. I put my hair in a braid. I throw my glasses on and walk out the door.

I got to the bake shop down the street. I'm basically here all the time so they know what I like. "Crap I forgot my wallet." I mentioned to myself. "I'll pay for you." This cute boy tells me he's with two other boys. "Oh you don't have too." I say shyly. He rolls his eyes and pays Linda.

"How can I pay you back?" I ask. The boy with black hair hits the other boy. "Uhh give me you number and I'll find a way." He says.

"Y/n?" I hear my name. I get all giddy because coffee duh. "Well I have to go bye guys." She walks out.

Johnny pov.

I don't know her name they said something like r/n (random name). I just put her under coffee shop cutie. I smile at the contact.

Text convo.

Me: hey this is Johnny.

Coffee shop cutie: who?

Me: uh the guy from the coffee shop. What's your name by the way.

Coffee shop cutie: y/n

Y/n beautiful.

Johnny orlando imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now