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"Thanks, kid. See you next week," the man muttered, doing up his fly and patting Taehyung's head. Taehyung winked at him as he left, still in the act, lying on the bed with his long legs stretched out. He closed his eyes, sweat drying on his skin and the musky scent of the room clogging up his nose. Not even two minutes after the man left, Jimin was squirming inside the room, nose crinkled up.

"He's so creepy, ugh," Jimin complained, strolling over to where Taehyung still lay. He went to sit down when Taehyung laughed.

"Uh, do you really wanna sit here?" Taehyung reminded him. Jimin's face paled and he jumped up, making gagging noises, as if he didn't do the exact same job that Taehyung did.

"Oh my God, I almost just- oh my God. I need so much sleep," he cried, letting out a sigh. Taehyung scoffed, rolling onto his stomach and sighing in exhaustion.

"Then sleep, it's not like you have much work here anyways," Taehyung quipped, grinning at his best friend, then paused. "Haha, get it? 'Cause people don't wanna fuck you."

"Listen here, you little shit," Jimin growled, leaning over to smack Taehyung's ass. Taehyung yelped, scampering off the bed.

"So rude," he sighed, throwing on some clothes off the floor. "I'm leaving now."

"Love you," Jimin sang, following him out the door. "Except I also hate you a little bit."

Kim Taehyung saw loads of different people in a night.

He saw lonely women and angry men, some shameful and some not, some mean and some shy. He saw the worst sides of everyone, but also the most vulnerable. He saw them in their weakest, most private state.

But he'd never seen somebody like Jeon Jeongguk.

Jeongguk was rich. Famous. A prodigy child, with a talent in singing and dancing and acting and athletics and business. He was on reality shows and dramas, was in the news and on interview shows, was always doing something with someone for someone .

Taehyung was like Jeongguk's opposite; he was poor and deperate and barely surviving. He would do anything for money.

And Jeon Jeongguk, the Jeon Jeongguk, had a lot of it. So when he sauntered into the humid, sweaty basement of Taehyung's workplace, all eyes were on him; his expensive suit, his leather shoes, his mask covering half his face and his name-brand sunglasses covering the rest.

He'd strolled right up to Jimin, looking like he owned the place, and said "I'd like a night with your most expensive boy."

Jimin, of course, had raised his eyebrows.

"Sure, but I'd like to know what someone like you is doing in a place like this," he'd inquired, slightly defensive. Jeongguk had stared him in the eyes, gaze unwavering.

"Is that really any of your business to be asking?" Jeongguk snapped back. Jimin's hackles practically raised and Taehyung thought he was going to have to intervene.

"If I'm giving one of my boys with you, then I'd like to know that they're going to be safe," he snarled. Jeongguk had raised his arms defensively, a smirk rising to his lips.

"Fair enough. I'm just bored, is all," Jeongguk admitted. This seemed to satisfy Jimin enough.

"Taehyung," he called. "Fetch Seokjin. He's probably our most... talented."

"Yes, sir," Taehyung said with a small wave, sensing the tense atmosphere.

So Taehyung had scampered off to find Seokjin, had briefly explained the situation and watched as Jeon Jeongguk took a room with Kim Seokjin.

It hadn't phased him. In the time the two took, Taehyung had worked with his own client.

He'd been lounging around on one of the couches when Jeongguk went to leave. Jimin raised an eyebrow, obviously looking for some sort of praise. Instead, Jeongguk put his mask and sunglasses back on and shrugged.

"It was alright, I guess. Next time, I expect better," he muttered, plopping his payment on the counter and sauntering away.

That had floored everyone.

Jeongguk didn't even meet Taehyung's eyes before he was gone.

"Tae, go check on Jin, yeah?" Jimin ordered with a smile, though Taehyung noticed how strained it was.

Taehyung had found Jin sitting on the bed, face in his hands.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asked softly, sitting beside the elder. Jin was biting the inside of his lip.

"I'm alright, Tae, don't worry," Jin said in a small voice. Taehyung frowned, sensing something off.

"Did he do anything weird?" Taehyung pried, voice oozing concern. Jin shook his head, paused, then nodded.

"He- He didn't- He didn't want me," Jin whispered. Taehyung frowned deeper.


"He just... after a bit, he stopped, and told me I wasn't his type," Jin explained weakly. Taehyung was completely lost. Nobody turned Jin down; the man was the humanization of a god, with blond hair that rolled softly over his forehead and dark, alluring eyes.

"I... How is that possible?" Taehyung joked, partially serious. Jin laughed, thankfully, the mood lightening as Jin stretched his slender legs out and rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I could write a list," Jin sighed. Taehyung felt an intense anger build in his stomach; how dare Jeongguk make beautiful, lovely Jin feel this way?

"Oi, stop that. Don't worry about it, yeah? He's just... just... a snob. A selfish prick, you hear me?" Taehyung growled. Jin let out a sobbing laugh.

"Yeah," he croaked, leaning into Taehyung, who supported the elder.

Taehyung swore that next time he saw Jeon Jeongguk, he'd make sure to not let him leave as pretty.

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