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They had somewhat of a ritual, after five long months.

Whenever Jeongguk was bored or upset or simply lonely, he'd go see Taehyung. They'd fuck, obviously, and then they'd talk, and Jeongguk found himself actually enjoying his time with Taehyung. He learned more about Taehyung than he would ever hope to know. He never brought up that night when Taehyung was a bartender, too afraid to come off as a stalker.

About halfway through the sixth month of really knowing each other, Jeongguk began to feel warmth running through his veins, began to smile whenever he saw Taehyung's dumb lilac hair.

(Which, he wouldn't ever admit, obviously.)

Everything changed, though, when he walked in one day to find Jimin angrily pacing.

"You! Tae's not here and we don't know where he is, I'm booked in like ten minutes, everyone's busy, you're going to his house," Jimin declared. Jeongguk snorted.

"Yeah, okay, why me?" Jeongguk asked, crossing his arms and watching as the small boy stomped around, ringing phone still to his ear. Faintly, Jeongguk could hear Taehyung's answering machine on the other end. Jimin slammed the phone down angrily before realizing that it was his cell phone and picking it back up.

"Cause you like him and also you're, sadly, one of the less creepy people who come here. And Taehyung could be dying. I haven't spoken to him in like twenty two hours, and that boy craves attention," Jimin explained. "Here, this is my phone number. Text me when you're at his place so I know that he isn't dead."

"What if he is dead?" Jeongguk asked. Jimin whacked him on the arm.

"Don't even say that, you undercooked meatball. Go. Away with you," Jimin hissed. Jeongguk sighed, retreating back out the way he came.

Jeongguk shoved his hands into his suit pocket angrily, huffing out a breath as he began his walk.

The entire way there, the same questions were nagging at him. Why the fuck was he doing this? Taehyung was a hooker . He didn't mean anything to Jeongguk, never would. He was just a pretty face. A pretty face with a sweet mouth that sounded like it cared, a sweet laugh and a sweet smile, a quiet side behind his boisterous self.

(Jeongguk didn't like to admit that Taehyung was more than that; he was Jeongguk's only real connection outside of business, he was the only one Jeongguk could confide in. He was everything.)

Short chapter ^^

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