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About a week passed, a very bad week. Taehyung's rent was late, he hadn't eaten a proper meal in days, and a customer had walked out on him because apparently Taehyung was too fat. To top it all off, he had a hell of a black eye; his dealer hadn't taken kindly to Taehyung's lack of payment for some low-grade weed.

Friday night rolled around, and Taehyung found himself trying to button up a pair of ridiculously tight jeans once again. The T.V was playing idly in the background, Taehyung not paying attention to it until a name caught his ear.

"...superstar Jeon Jeongguk has been fired from a lead role in an upcoming action film. The main actress, Park Chaeyoung, also Jeongguk's ex, has started allegations that he verbally abused the cast and crew. We..."

Taehyung didn't listen to the rest, turning the T.V off and starting the long walk to work.

Somehow, he knew that Jeongguk would visit today. People usually saw Taehyung to wind down, to have a good time, to forget about their worries for a few hours. Even people like Jeon Jeongguk needed a break.

"Hoseok! I'm here!" Taehyung called out once he entered the dim lighting. Jimin was the first one by his side, frowning and grabbing Taehyung's face in his hand.

"What's this? You're terrible at makeup, Tae," Jimin scolded. Taehyung sighed, sticking his tongue out and licking Jimin's hand.

"I'm fine, 's nothing," Taehyung asked, making Jimin scowl.

"Is it Minho again? I told you to stay away from that creep-"

"I haven't seen Minho since... last time. Don't worry. Where's Hobi?" Taehyung changed the subject easily, Jimin narrowing his eyes but taking the bait.

"With a client, I think. C'mere, let me fix your face, you've got someone waiting for you," Jimin hissed. Taehyung bit his lip, already knowing who.

Jimin lead him further into the room and just as Taehyung expected, Jeongguk sat on one of the plush couches, looking out of place in a crisp foreign suit and shoes worth more than Taehyung's apartment.

"How long has he been here?" Taehyung muttered to Jimin, who simply patted Taehyung on the shoulder.

"Like, two hours, dude. He really wants to stick his dick in you, apparently," Jimin murmured back. Taehyung snorted out a laugh, plopping into the seat Jimin was standing near.

"Knowing him, he's gonna bail after a few minutes. Decide I'm not worthy or whatever," Taehyung laughed. Jimin clicked his tongue.

"No, no, he'll stay with you to prove a point," Jimin decided. "Just wait."

A few minutes later and Jimin deemed Taehyung to be pretty enough. He waved towards where Jeongguk was on his phone, obviously sneaking glances upwards.

"Good luck," Jimin giggled before turning serious. "Come gets me if he starts being a dick, okay?"

"Thanks, ChimChim," Taehyung cooed, ruffling his fluffy hair affectionately. Jimin swatted his hand away, marching towards the front of the room again. Taehyung took a steadying breath and started towards Jeon Jeongguk.

Before he could even say anything, Jeongguk held up a hand.

"One second, I have to deal with this," Jeongguk dismissed. Taehyung's mouth fell open, offended. Jeongguk brought the phone to his ear, starting up some sort of business conversation, smug smile on his face.

Taehyung ran his tongue over his teeth, trying to keep his mouth shut and wait patiently. After about a minute, he became impatient.

Feeling bold, Taehyung stepped forward, settling himself down on Jeongguk's lap. Jeongguk just kept talking, raising a silent eyebrow at Taehyung, who was grinning. Gently, he plucked Jeongguk's phone out of his hand, ending the call.

"Oops," Taehyung giggled. "Sorry." Avoiding Jeongguk's indecipherable eyes, Taehyung tucked his head into the younger's neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses.

"I'm on a tight schedule," he murmured against Jeongguk's skin, relishing in the goosebumps that rose. Jeongguk chuckled quietly, his now-empty hands settling firmly on Taehyung's waist.

"Are you sure you're not just impatient?" he rasped into Taehyung's ear. Tae hummed, his hands rising to card through Jeongguk's hair. His head lifted as well, brushing his nose against the younger's.

"Could be that, too," Taehyung breathed, letting his breath fan over Jeongguk's face and his hips roll forwards.

This, apparently, seemed to be enough for Jeongguk, because he stood suddenly, lifting Taehyung with him, carrying the lilac-haired boy to his designated room. Jeongguk threw him onto the bed roughly, crossing his arms and staring. Taehyung raised an eyebrow, biting his lip, letting it bounce back into place.

"Are you waiting for something?" Taehyung prompted, leaning on his elbows. Jeongguk shook his head, starting to undo his tie, and Taehyung cursed his sexiness. He was so stupid, honestly.

"Don't we discuss beforehand? Rules, safewords?" Jeongguk asked, voice curious. Taehyung shrugged, running a hand through his own hair.

"Do whatever you'd like," Taehyung insisted. "I'm here to please." Jeongguk frowned at that, whipping off his belt, and Taehyung froze for a second, relaxing when he simply tossed it with his tie. He didn't particularly enjoy being hit.

"Is that what you say to everyone? You just let them use you?" Jeongguk pushed further, making Taehyung squirm.

"It's what I'm here for," Taehyung admitted, voice conveying his confusion. "I'm a hooker, you know. People only want me for my body. They don't care about my wellbeing. If I'm really against something, I'll stop."

Jeongguk opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something else, but he shook his head instead.

"Strip," he commanded after a moment, making Taehyung grin.

"Lights off first," Taehyung shot back. Jeongguk frowned.

"Is that a rule? I'd rather not," he argued. Taehyung shook his head, keeping his playful facade, though his heart was racing. He'd had people walk out at the request before.

"It's a rule, sorry. No lights," Taehyung ordered once more. Jeongguk leaned over, body draping over Taehyung, face getting close.

"What if I said I wanted to see you? Your body?" Jeongguk tried, voice low and husky. Taehyung laughed, arching his back so that his long-sleeved mesh shirt rubbed against Jeongguk's front.

"I'd say that you still have to turn the lights off," Taehyung sighed. Jeongguk rolled his eyes, getting up and shutting off the lights, basking them both in the blue glow provided in the room. Jeongguk crawled back over Taehyung again, sliding their bodies together deliciously. Taehyung let out a quiet noise that transformed into a chuckle.

I wonder how long this'll last.

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