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Recovery wasn't easy, or romantic, or beautiful. Jeongguk watched as Taehyung threw up everything he ate, cried and yelled and shook with the urge to get high, got dizzy spells and headaches and coughing fits.

There was a point where Jeongguk was tempted to just give in. Taehyung was lying on the bathroom floor, one hand clutching his stomach, the other over his eyes, tiny hiccups and sobs escaping his lips.

"Please, Jeongguk, I'm- I- I can't, it hurts, I don't-" he'd stuttered, and Jeongguk's will had swayed. Yoongi, on the other hand, was firm, simply making Taehyung drink more water and ignoring his cries.

Back when Jeongguk had just met Yoongi, after his parents died, Jeongguk had been lost. He was at a party, barely eighteen, looking to forget about the plane crash, about the news articles and reporters. Yoongi had been there, a friend of his parent's friend, and had recognized Jeongguk. When he was drunk off his ass, walking home, two guys had tried to mug him. Yoongi had stepped in, beating them to a pulp and making sure Jeongguk got home safely.

Yoongi had gone clean shortly after he met Jeongguk, swayed by Jeongguk's promise to pay for his mixtape to be produced. Since then, Yoongi had blown up, and he and Jeongguk were inseparable.

Yoongi knew what it was like, so when Taehyung would cry, or yell, or beg, he'd deal with it. Jeongguk was moral support, but really, he was clueless in how to help Taehyung beat this ugly drug.

Two more days later, Taehyung was up and about, smiling more often and doing everyday activities.

Four days, Jeongguk was returning to work, leaving Taehyung and Yoongi.

Six, and Taehyung was preparing his meals, lunches and dinners and breakfasts, cleaning the house and doing his laundry.

On the nights he came home late, dinner would be in the fridge for him, Taehyung asleep on the couch with an anime playing on the T.V. It was so domestic, so loving and homey that Jeongguk found himself forgetting how he used to treat Taehyung. They still snapped sarcastic comments, but it was done as a friendly banter rather than a cold comeback.

Jeongguk wasn't used to sleeping beside someone else so constantly, so often, waking up to the same face every day. He didn't mind it, per say, but it was just unusual; Taehyung would be curled into his side, mouth agape, eyes fluttering as he dreamt.

Jeongguk found himself admiring Taehyung, even when the elder was doing the simplest of things. He noticed Taehyung cutting holes into the sleeves of his sweaters, telling Jeongguk it was "artistic" and "unique." He would watch Taehyung as the boy prepared homemade dog treats for the homeless dogs behind Jeongguk's apartment, cooing at them and gaining their love.

(He'd had to say no to Taehyung many times, unable to take care of a dog with their busy schedules.)

He admired Taehyung's compassion, despite his own horrible situation. He'd been through so much, dealt with so many terrible people in so many different terrible scenarios, yet still saw the good in everybody.

At some point, Taehyung began packing Jeongguk and Yoongi lunches, leaving them small little notes and sandwiches. Jeongguk's cast members laughed at him, asking if his mom was visiting, which Jeongguk brushed off easily, ignoring the warm feeling in his chest.

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