Chapter 9: You're Leaving Me?

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~Chanel’s POV~ 

~2 months later~

“Liam, stop! Please!” I laughed as Liam tickled me while we lied on my bed together.

“Say that I’m the best boyfriend ever!” he commanded as he kept tickling me.


“Say it!

“Fine! You’re the best boyfriend ever!” I exclaimed and he stopped, smiling proudly.

“Thank you,” he said and I sat up, catching my breath.

“Whew, I feel like I’m going to die.” I coughed twice. Liam looked at me worriedly.

“You okay, babe?”

“I’m good. Just couldn’t breathe. Thanks to you!” I smacked his arm.

“Ow!” he exclaimed, rubbing his arm, “Sorry, baby.”

“It’s okay.” I sighed and lied back against my headboard.  Liam did the same as we sat in silence. Randomly, he just moved his face in front of mine and kissed me. I smiled into it and he pulled out a

second later.

 “What was that for?” I smiled a bit.                                

“For being my girlfriend,” he said. I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, then kissed the top of my head. A minute later, we heard knocking on the door.

“Hey can we come in?” Harry asked from behind the door.

“I think the more important question is are you wearing clothes?” Louis chimed in, and I rolled my eyes.

“No, we’re not,” I lied, and Liam chuckled, “Now go away!”

They went silent for a moment then Louis said, breaking the silence, “Alright, we’re coming in! Cover your eyes boys!”

Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn burst through the door. All of them had their hands over their eyes except for Harry.

“Hey! You’re not naked!” Harry exclaimed, looking at us.

The other boys slowly uncovered their eyes and stared at us.

“Did you really believe we didn’t have any clothes on?” Liam asked, laughing.

The boys shrugged and then Niall said, “Anyway, we’re going out. You two want to come?”

I looked at Liam and he shook his head, “We’re okay. Thanks for asking though.”

“Right, we’ll be back later. Just letting you know, nobody else is home,” Louis winked and they walked out of my room. A second later, his head popped back in the doorway and said, “But that doesn’t mean you two can go crazy and throw a party!”

“Well I guess a party is out of the question. But you know what else we could do?” I asked Liam with a mischievous grin and he grinned back.

“DISNEY MOVIES!” he screamed.  I laughed and we jumped up, running downstairs.

Liam went off to get snacks, and I got the blanket and movies. He walked into the living room as I threw the blanket on the couch.

“Alright, what movie?” I asked as he sat the snacks down on the coffee table.

“Hmm… How about Monster’s Inc.?” Liam suggested and I smiled.

“Aw, I love that movie!” I got the movie and put it in the DVD player.

My Prince Charming: A Liam Payne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now