Ideas & past small chapters

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(A\N hey guys I have no ideas sorry so this well be a bit short and if you have any ideas plz leave them now on to the story)

(Mystery P.O.V)
Oh right Luke (lumine) said they speak English? Guess I'll give it a try ' h-h-hello?' I said 'Missy!' Luke said 'long time no see Luke' 'everyone else what ! Luke! Lumine explain! Thus now' 'H-how about I tell them this over a nice dinner out ' I said Luke nods in agreement okie doki how about at 6:30 karaoke bar luke should know a good ant that right luke' luke blushed 'o-o-ok' he said (3 hours later) I chose something casual for the dinner tonight so I chose a black hoodie white white polo shirt underneath grey stockings with a leather skirt on top my my short hair down with some clips in it little eyeliner white Converse some black combat boots Luke on the other hand wore a grey hoodie black top underneath black jeans grey Converse and that's about it this this little boy looked around Luke sage of the black hair were a red jacket black tee shirt underneath black jeans and a blue Converse the adult version of the little boy y black polo shirt buttoned up and some black jeans with some suitable shoes the word dog girl I think her name was Sherry she wore a blue Galaxy hoodie black tights Anderson boots. We all mete up at the bar at 6:00 and talked until karaoke started at 6:30 so I encouraged Luke to go first and he did he sang this

And then I suggested why not sing a second song then we can  sing a song together and then i can sing two songs then  we can sing another  song together and he agreed and this is the song that he sang next

Everyone at the table looked shocked at him anyway I got up and went on stage and song this is the song we sang first

( mystery is the girl and Lumine is the boy ) once we finished singing that he got off stage so I could sing by myself I sang this

Then this

And then luke came bake up and we sang this

And then running with the wolves

Then 'everyone in the bar yelled Ya the wolf twins are back' me and luke bowed and said I thank you and went  to sit back down then we explained that me and Luke are orphans with that we lived in the Woods with wolves for  years ever since birth send one fateful day Luke went missing I've been trying to find him ever since he hears and you wonder why we call the wolf twins here is because a couple years ago I was about 11 I think and Luke he was supposed to be 12 so it'll be a couple years at least two years ago we came here and we got know as the wolf twins because we came here  every week of every month  month then proof we both disappeared and here we are now they all noted as an understanding so we sent the next 3 hours there talking and singing  mostly me and Luke sang Then went home.

Hey guys sorry if this is  short I really don't know that many ideas so if you have any feel free to leave them Cya next time

Lumine x codyWhere stories live. Discover now