The beacon

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The poor quality image is my custom Shepard through the mass effect series, named Bert, and I'm sticking with that name no matter how stupid it may look. Bert is a special name to me, don't judge okay? Angie looks very similar to Bert so I thought the images would help!

"Please, Mum, let me come on the Normandy!" I whined as Mum got ready to leave again. It was such a pain having both parents in the alliance, and I so badly wanted to go with them. Mum was the commander of the newest prototype ship, the Normandy, SR-1. Dad was a staff lieutenant, and head of the ship's marine detail. Though I was only 15, I dreamed of being on the Normandy with them, and I knew it was in my blood to join the alliance as soon as I was old enough.
"I can't, Angie. It's too risky." She said as Dad walked into the room, bags in hand.
"What harm will a fifteen year old do on a ship, Bert?" He asked, and she sighed.
"Kaidan..." she muttered, and he raised an eyebrow, before winking at me. I grinned.
"She'll stay on the ship. It's not like someone's going to randomly attack the Normandy, is it? And she's always wanted to see the ship since we got it." He said. Mum looked at me, reluctance in her eyes, but then she sighed.
"It's your lucky day. Pack a bag, in case we're out overnight." She said, and I jumped up, before hugging her.
"Thanks, Mum!" I said, and ran off to pack my bag. I didn't have to worry about school, since I'd been thrown back and forward from my grandparents' home to a flat funded by the alliance in New York. I'd never had a permanent place to stay, so I did online courses and had occasional classes held by the alliance for kids with parents in the alliance, but that didn't happen often. Not that I cared, I wanted to join the alliance as soon as I was old enough anyway. Once I had packed my bag, we left the flat to get to the Normandy, which was docked nearby. When we got there, my jaw dropped at the pure beauty of the ship; it was massive, white, black and red, with SR1 and NORMANDY written on the side. It was beautiful.
"I take it you like it then, Angie." Dad said with a laugh. Mum boarded and got my permission to come on board. Once permission was granted, I boarded with dad, looking around at everything as I went. I saw the pilot turn and smile at me. I smiled back.
"Alright, Joker?" Dad asked as he went and sat next to him. I followed Dad as Mum went to speak to the captain, gazing around the cockpit and taking everything in.
"You must be Angelica! Your Dad doesn't stop talking about you. Or your Mum to be honest. But she's more professional about it." Joker said, and I laughed.
"Yeah. Call me Angie." I said with a sweet smile. Joker focused his attention back to dad.
"So where are we headed?" Dad asked him.
"Eden Prime. Something doesn't seem right about this, though. Do you feel it?" Joker replied and asked.
"Yeah. I feel it. I hope nothing goes wrong." Dad answered. I went to put my stuff in Mum's footlocker, before I passed Mum and Dad going to put on their armour. My one goal in life was to become an N7, just like Mum. We looked so alike, and we had almost the same personality, apart from I took the sheepishness from Dad. I was also fairly inattentive: I spent a lot of time gazing into the distance or daydreaming.
"What are we actually doing here, Mum?" I asked as they were about to pass me in the corridor.
"We're collecting a prothean beacon." She told me, before walking away. I took dad's seat on the bridge, next to Joker.
"A prothean beacon! How exciting is that?" I exclaimed as I sat down, making myself comfortable.
"It's cool. But I've still got a bad feeling about this. The whole team does." Joker said, and I pondered on that. I sat in silence for a while, but I couldn't contain myself for long; it was too interesting to not talk about.
"Prothean, though! And a beacon! I was told they hold information on the end of the race." I said, and Joker laughed.
"You're really into the prothean stuff, aren't you?" He asked, and I nodded eagerly.
"I wish I could be down there with Mum and Dad. I'd love to see the beacon while it's there." I said.
"We're not the only ones here for the beacon. There's geth here." I heard Mum say through the comm.
"Shit. I knew there was something wrong with all this!" Joker exclaimed.
"Now I wish I could be down there even more! I'd love to kick some ass!" I said, and Joker sighed.
"Well, at least you're lightening the mood a bit."

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