Cloning facility

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The training with dad was harder than I thought. We worked for a few days, and I picked things up quite quickly, but it was still very straining on the mind. He taught me how to do a simple stasis, and I learned a lift and a slam, but it took a while to get the hang of the slam because I had to do the lift first. We trained whenever dad was available, until we had a distress call from a team of salarians on Virmire. I was training with dad when Mum joined us in the shuttle bay. I was using a lift on a crate when Mum walked in, so I quickly stopped, letting the crate crash to the floor.
"Kaidan, we've gotta move. And Angie, were you doing that lift?" She asked, and I shook my head.
"Why would I be a biotic?" I asked innocently, before dad stepped forward.
"That was me, Bert. Angie was curious to see what my Biotics were like. She said it was for research... or something like that." He said, and I nodded hastily.
"Ok. Well, we've had a distress call from Virmire. Something's going on down there." Mum said, and he nodded.
"I'll get ready." He said, and walked away, leaving me with mum.
"Angie, come with me." She said, and I followed her to the CIC, where there were crew members rushing around and checking things on the monitors.
"Stand at the galaxy map for me." She said, and I did so. I looked down at the map, spread out perfectly. It looked beautiful, I hoped one day a map and CIC like this would be my own."Now find Virmire for me." She said, and I did so. "Perfect. Now I'll plot the course." She said, so I stepped out of the way.
"The galaxy map is so cool, mum! And the ship looks awesome from this point." I said, and she laughed.
"It does. Right, I'm gonna go and get ready. You can go and sit with Joker if you want." She said, so we parted ways. When we got to Virmire, we ended up grounded at a salarian base.
"Um, don't want to bother you, Mum, but we're grounded." I said on the comm.
"Oh. Ok, Angie, Thank you." She said. Before long there was a plan, and we had a bomb on our ship to plant in the base. They ungrounded the Normandy, and the fighting started. There was two different teams, Mum, Garrus and Liara were the shadow team, and the salarians and Ash were the distraction. There was lots of fighting to get the ship and Mum to the same location. Not for us, obviously, but for Mum. Dad was on the ship with us, as he was the bomb planter and specialist. We got the Normandy to the location, and planted the bomb. Mum arrived shortly after, and dad had been injured. Geth were trying to stop him from setting the bomb, but Mum and her team got them before they could. Then then went on a bit to find Ash, but there wasn't enough time. Ash was left behind. Mum came back to the ground, where more Geth began to attack. Then Saren showed up. I gasped as I watched on. They were taking heavy fire from all of them, and I couldn't just sit around and watch.
"Joker, I need to get off the ship." I said urgently.
"What? Gellie, Commander Shepard will kill me if I let you off the ship!" He exclaimed.
"I can fight, Joker. I'm a biotic! Let me off the ship." I said, and he sighed.
"Exit through the shuttle bay. Quickly." He said in resignation, and I ran as swiftly as I could out of the ship. I lifted a group of Geth and slammed another group, before Sprinting to mum and the team. Liara handed me her spare pistol and I shot some other Geth, while Mum fought Saren. I looked at dad, and he smiled at me. I used a stasis on a group of Geth, and ran to dad.
"We need to get you onto the ship, dad." I said, ducking behind the bomb and occasionally shooting Geth. Saren took off and Mum looked back at us. I helped dad up, and we walked to ship as quickly as we could, before taking off and leaving Virmire. As dad was getting medical treatment, Mum found me talking to him in the medical Bay.
"I'm proud of you, Angie. That was very brave of you." He said, and I sighed.
"Mum's not gonna be happy, though." I said as she walked in.
"Angie, we need to talk. Now." She said, and I turned to her.
"Ok..." I said, and she sighed.
"That was so dangerous, Angie! You can't just leave the ship and help us! I was so scared you'd get killed!" She shouted, and I stood silently.
"Sorry, mum. I didn't want to lose you or dad." I muttered, looking down at the floor almost embarrassedly.
"It's not good enough, Angie. You leave the ship if I say you can, and especially not during a fight with Saren!" She shouted again, and I sighed.
"I just wanted to help." I said quietly. Mum sighed.
"I know, sweetheart. But you can't do that. Also, why didn't you tell me you're a biotic?"

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