Chapter twenty-five

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(Featherheart's POV)

My eyes slowly closed after seeing a violent death of Ragepaw. I closed them, a tear fall from my eye, 'Im sorry I failed you my Clan,' Featherheart thought as she stood in a Snowstorm, "A Snowstorm will cut though the Bloodvines of the darkness Air, a Single snowdrop will Save and bring back the Fallen Clans!" A starry-cat said with a loud hiss, "This is not your time my old apprentice, but it was Ragepaw's..." The voice rasped and the Snowstorm had cleared sat in front of her, was Dewfur, Ragepaw, and Ravenfrost. "Oh my sweet daughter..." Ravenfrost began until Dewfur silenced him. "Featherheart, your wounds are the deep but not deadly, I will sand an omen to the fast Snowstorm to heal you, but be aware this Stormstorm is an animal StarClan doesn't know of, but the creature is pure of Warrior." Dewfur had said and with that the forest went into blackness, the only thing Featherheart could hear were mummers and her own heart beat.

(Anyone would love to guess what's the animal is?)

SnowStar's Wish(A Warrior cats FanFiction)(On hold and might remake!)Where stories live. Discover now