Wake-Up Call

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"Wake up sleepyheads, I made breakfast!" Jinyoung called, knocking on Mark and Jackson's door. When there was no answer, he knocked again a little louder. Still nothing but silence. "Guys?" Jinyoung asked, opening the door. His eyes widened when he saw that both of their beds were empty. He turned in a complete 360, scanning the small room, but there was no sign of the boys. Jinyoung began to feel a tiny cold tendril of fear in his chest and his heartbeat quickened as he quickly left the room to bang on Youngjae's door.

"Youngjae-ah, wake up!" he yelled, throwing the door open. His mouth fell open with shock when he found another empty bed. Mark and Jackson may have gotten up early to work out, but Youngjae never missed a chance to sleep in. Jinyoung began to sweat as he turned to the last door on the hallway, heart racing. Yugyeom.

After their encounter the night before, Jinyoung did not want to imagine anything happening to his maknae. He ran to the door at the end of the hallway, silently praying please let Yugyeom be ok, please let Yugyeom be ok..


Yugyeom jolted awake at the sound of his name being blared at a decibel that was likely to wake the neighbors.

Bambam winced beside him and turned over to burrow into Jackson and move away from the disturbance.

Jinyoung stood frozen in the doorway, one arm still fully extended in the act of pushing the door open and gawked. What on earth?! Before him lay Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom, Bambam, and Jackson all snuggled up together on one bed.

Mark yawned and lazily detached himself from a still-sleeping Youngjae to turn over and see who had awakened him. "Jinyoungieeeee." he smiled, squinting his eyes into impossibly cute crescent moons as he stretched his neck and arms.


"Good morning, hyung." Yugyeom greeted quietly, peeking up over the other members to see the older boy.

"Yugy...Aish, chincha?! Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't find any of you in your rooms?! I thought-"

"Shhhhhhh." Mark hushed sleepily, pushing a finger against his lips, "You'll wake up the babies."

Jinyoung huffed and looked up at the ceiling dubiously. I'm going to go crazy, he thought, rubbing circles into the sides of his temples.

"Jinyoungie." Mark called cutely, reaching out his arms and making grabby hands at his friend even as his eyes fell back shut.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes at the sleepy boy, having forgotten how strong Mark's early-morning aegyo was. Before he knew what he was doing, he was beside the bed clasping Mark's warm hands, and the other boy sighed contentedly and blinked his eyes open.

"Don't wake Bambam. He's finally cuddling with Jackson, and Jackson will never forgive you."

Jinyoung chuckled softly, Mark's adorableness soothing his prior worry away and he squeezed the boy's hands before shifting his gaze to the rest of the members.

Youngjae was curled into a tiny ball, sound asleep throughout all of the commotion, ever-so-softly muttering lyrics in his sleep. Yugyeom was lying next to him, practically glowing in the early morning light with an expression that could only be described as pure happiness as he stretched his arms over his head and settled back down onto the mattress. Bambam was lying on his side with his back to Yugyeom, pressed up against Jackson with his hands on the other boy's chest. Jackson was pretending to be asleep, knowing that Bambam was slightly awake and would shove off of him the second he knew that the other boy was conscious. His arms were still loosely wrapped around Bambam from where they had been around his torso all night, and he slowly tightened them to bring the boy closer to him without making it look like he was awake.

Jinyoung found himself smiling at the sight of his members showing so much affection, and lowered his volume so as not to disturb them. He squatted down beside the bed so that he was eye-level with mark's delirious sleepy-smiley face and whispered, "I made an American breakfast for everyone. Eggs and bacon and biscuits. There's juice and milk too. I'll go make a special iced choco for our maknae and set the table. Can you get everyone up for me and meet me in the kitchen soon?"

Mark nodded sweetly and Jinyoung smiled at him. "Good hyung." he said, letting go of the older boy's hands to ruffle his hair fondly. Mark smiled and squinted his eyes, happily enduring the gesture. "Jinyoungie!" he whispered brightly as the boy turned to go.

Jinyoung turned back around to see Mark raising his eyebrows and tapping his cheek expectedly.

"Kisseu?" he asked, and Mark beamed and nodded.

Jinyoung giggled at the silly boy and leaned down to smooth Mark's hair back and plant a soft good-morning kiss on his forehead.

Mark hummed happily at the contact and let Jinyoung go without complaint, watching as the boy tiptoed back across the room and slowly closed the door behind him.

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